Sister Gwyneth Mallorie

Relationship to Victim: Local sister at the nunnery for the Order of the Bleeding Heart
Age: 35 (21 August 1851)
Reason for killing the Victim: Doesn't want to kill her, except in self defence possibly.
Secret that will damn their reputation forever: Addicted to gambling and recently lost all the funds for the new church roof in a bet
Likely clues to it: One of the servants was present, and Aleister won the money.
Minor secret that will be inconvenient: Was blackmailing Lady Kaye regarding Felicity and the changes to the will
Likely clues to it: Her name is a witness on the new will
How they would have killed the Victim:
Likely clues to it:
About the others:
Personality: Overly nice
Reference: The Reverend Geraldine Granger (Vicar of Dibbley)
Quote: You're not so upset you're going to do anything dreadful, like kill yourself?“
Costuming suggestions: A brown habit of hessian, with a wimple. Rosary beads, some dice and a deck of cards.