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Melancolia Q. Carter Character Sheet


People are boring and stupid. They call you a modernist or even a suffragette whenever you express sentiments that differentiate you from a doormat or a woman of loose virtue. If it were possible you would be a female mortician, just because your lack of interest in personal interaction makes you an ideal candidate for working with the dead.


You were born 34 years ago on the 9th of October 1852. Your parents ensured that you had a proper education in all things a young woman should know. You became interested in some of the more risqu+¬ novels at an early age, especially those involving murder mysteries, betrayal, and dark deeds. As such, your acquired cynical and pragmatic view to life has often proved to be the best attitude to approach any situation rather than the shallow approach taken by ladies with less education that refuse to look beyond the surface. So much so, you even stoically accepted your father's shooting himself (accidentally or otherwise) out on the Moors naught but a shrug. Of late, your bookish nature has even led to ventures out to find more esoteric tomes, not to be found in the family libraries - even in the rather special books that Uncle Victor collects for his hobby.

Your Minor Secret

After discovering what it is that Uncle Victor does all day, his experiments in biology, you found it fascinating. Science in general has been an interest of yours, and pushing the boundaries as Uncle Victor has is deeply intriguing. You approached him to help out and have volunteered to find him subjects for his experiments. He needs bodies, lots of dead bodies. As such you have been providing him with animal livestock of the deceased variety. From the neighbourhood you have been smuggling animals out, killing them and giving the fresh cadavers up to the furtherance of science. Victor has wondered on occasion how you happen to find so many freshly dead animals, but you don't think he suspects you enjoy killing them and don't find them already dead.

What you know about the others


I'd like my whole family to do something together. Something that'll really make them suffer.

References and Costuming

Personality: Rather morbid

Reference: Daria + Emily the Strange

Costuming suggestions: Victorian mourning clothes, because someone somewhere has just died.