Aleister Paul Carter

Relationship to Victim: Son
Age: 32 (19 May 1854) - (21 May 1886) deceased
Reason for killing the Victim: Kaye killed him, she was disgraced and enraged by his behaviour after his birthday.
Secret that will damn their reputation forever: Actually one of the shambling dead, reanimated by Uncle,
Likely clues to it: Has a line of stitches hidden under his collar which gets noticed late in the game.
Minor secret that will be inconvenient: Has gotten pregnant quite a few young ladies in the village.
Likely clues to it: Rumours from the servants
How they would have killed the Victim: Strangulation
Likely clues to it:
About the others:
Goal: Single minded about getting revenge on whoever pushed him down the well.
Personality: A gentleman of leisure, a dilettante and ne'er-do-well
Reference: Dorian Grey + Frankenstein's Monster
Quote: The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it.“
Costuming suggestions: The height of fashion. Suits with waist coats, high collars and long sleeves - a cravat and cane. Pale skin.