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Ortensia Edwards Character Sheet


Life is meant to be lived! Lived by the fullest means necessary, if one is able. Just because one is perhaps the youngest and least responsible of the family does not mean one should not challenge the rules of convention. Pleasure is, after all, its own reward.


You were born 32 years ago on the 19th of May, 1854. Your parents ensured that you had a proper education in all things a young man should know. There never seemed to be much to do around the house, so you started making friends at a very early age. People your parents never approved of and perhaps they did lead you astray somewhat. Father was a lot more understanding of you need to have fun, whilst Mother was very strict. It was a terrible shame when Father died out on the Moors, accidentally shooting himself. Your liberties have been quite restricted under the dictatorial reign of your Mother.

Your Minor Secret

Whilst having fun throughout the village, manor and surrounds, you seem to have inadvertantly (and unexpectedly) become a father at an age younger than you wished. In fact, one could almost say you were a father many times over. Your family would of course be scandalised if they found out, not to mention the damage to your own reputation. You'd have great difficulty flirting with the ladies if they knew how many others were expecting a baby Aleister in the near future.

What you know about the others


The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it.

References and Costuming

Personality: A gentleman of leisure, a dilettante and ne'er-do-well

Reference: Dorian Grey (The Portrait of Dorian Grey), Oscar Wilde, Bertie Wooster (Jeeves and Wooster)

Costuming suggestions: The height of fashion. Suits with waist coats, high collars and long sleeves - a cravat and cane. Pale skin.