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Duelling with Pistols

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How the Duel proceeds

At the start of the duel, it should be determined which type of pistol duel they wish to perform - a simultaneous duel, or a duel of turns. For a duel of turns, a coin is tossed to see which duellist shoots first.

Both duellists choose their weapons. Usually the offender chooses first. The seconds then check the weapons to make sure they are suitably functional.

The seconds then pace out the distance between the duellists. The standard distance is 10 paces from a middle point. Usually after pacing, the second will place a sword as a marker for where the duellist should stand. The number of paces can vary with the severity of the offence - becoming an increasingly shorter distance. Any offence that is so minor that the paces would be more than 15 in number is not worth duelling over. Once the duellists have reached their marks, they turn side-on.

The offended party may declare the duel over at any time, even if the conditions of the duel have not been met (such as first blood, or wounding).

The Simultaneous Duel

Both duellists raise their guns. The arbitrator tells them when to fire. If both parties miss, the offended party may call for another shot, and if both parties miss then, a third time.

  1. Each character draws the top card from the deck face down without looking.
  2. Both characters then turn the cards face up at the same time.
  3. For each card-
    • If the card is a major arcana card
      • lower than the number of paces, the shot misses.
      • higher than the number of paces minus the character's Agility, the shot is a flesh wound or graze.
      • higher than the number of paces, the shot hits.
    • If the card is a number card
      • higher than the character's Firearm's skill + Agility, the shot misses.
      • higher than the character's Firearm's skill, the shot is a flesh wound or graze.
      • lower than the number of paces divided by two (rounded up), the shot misses. (e.g. if ten paces are walked, a 4 or lower card will miss)
      • otherwise the shot hits.
  1. Where the shot hits is determined by the suit of the card, how deadly by the number (the higher the number, the more deadly the wound)-
    • Staves (Clubs) - Lower Legs, knees and feet
    • Swords (Spades) - Groin, thigh and hips
    • Chalices (Hearts) - Stomach and chest
    • Coins (Diamonds) - Head, shoulder or firing arm
    • Major Arcana - Firing party's choice as to location, if it isn't a flesh wound it will be a Critical Wound (see Injury and Death) no matter what the Endurance of the target is.

The Duel of Turns

The duellist who won the toss raises his gun while the other duellist prepares to receive the blow.