Saga Munchausen

What I’m thinking of doing for the next game is a historical one - set on or before 900AD. Sagas and folk tales in the vein of Viking sagas, or Irish folklore. Magic will be encounters with the Fair Folk (Sidhe) and tend to be subtle. People being turned into things, quests and obscure components needed for spells. With the odd wandering bands of vikings, britons, irish, celts, etc causing violence. Let’s call this style “Saga Munchausen”.

Character types

This one should possibly not be in the first person style. Everyone should have a character that is knowledgable in folktales (rather than nobility in the classic Munchausen game). Old fireside storytellers, wise folk, travelling bards, learned monks or ancient scholars, druids, matriarchs and patriarchs.

Story Styles

Question Types

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