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Captain Brro of the _Shining Wit_

Captain Brro was trained as a fighter pilot by the Terran High Command, and fought against the Secessionist forces in early engagements, before switching sides at the Battle of New Crete. He was decorated by the New Byzantine government, but left their service in favour of a mercantile career. These days he is known as much for his extensive travels as his war record, and has traveled from one end of the galaxy to the other.

Several galactic-standard years ago Brro purchased the _Shining Light_ from a Space Ranger of Terra, and whimsically rechristened it the _Shining Wit_ in honour of its former owner's companion. It is a three person long-distance fighter reconfigured as a small cargo freighter, with stronger armour and more powerful drive systems than are customary for the class. It is also rumoured to be heavily armed, though no engagements in Imperial or Republican space have been reported.

Brro habitually wears a pseudochitin synthepace, a curved armour that gives its wearer the appearance of a giant beetle – an impression heightened by the shifting analytical lenses he wears over his eyes. A line of glittering metal extends along his fingers and up his arms. It is not clear what purpose this serves, but it appears to be a part of some sort of cybernetic enhancement.



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