Alternate Speed Rules

Rule Name: Speed Cards

Effect of Rule:

Level of Change: Local.

Summary: Each character's SPD gets a card in a deck that is then randomly drawn.


Playtest Reviews:

Details: In a fight, create deck of cards. Each participating character receievs a number of cards equal to their SPD. There is an additional “Recovery” card.

Each Turn, shuffle the deck. Slowly draw the cards.

Each time a character's card is drawn, that character gets an action.

A character can “hold” an action by holding a card. If their next card is drawn, they lose their held card. A card held over turns will not be shuffled in. A character may use their card BEFORE any action card draw.

A character can “abort” an action. Give them a token, and the next time their card is drawn, they lose it.

Alternate Combat Rules

Rule Name: Roll High OCV

Effect of Rule:

Level of Change: Cosmetic.

Summary: Each character's DCV becomes +10. To hit a character rolls OCV+3d6 and must exceed the DCV.


Playtest Reviews:


All characters add 10 to their normal DCV. When attacking someone, a character rolls their OCV+3d6. If they exceed the (new) DCV they hit. This works with DCV modifiers, but does not work with proportional effects that halve DCV or reduce it to zero. These must be recalced as ((DCV-10)/2)+10. The easiest way to do this is on the character sheet have: DCV[] Suprised DCV[] Helpless DCV[].