Killing Attack, New Mechanic

Effect of rule: Killing Attacks lose the STUN lotto and have the same bell curve as normal attacks.

Level of change: Local (Killing Attacks only)

Summary: Killing Attacks are changed to be bought the same way normal attacks are (eg 5 points = 1d6), and the dice are counted differently (for BODY a roll of 1 still counts as 1 BODY, and for STUN a roll of 6 counts as a roll of 4).

Impacts: It can be a bit annoying learning to count this appropriately, especially with new players.

Playtest Reviews: Tested by GAZZA (mostly positive results).

Details: The STUN Lotto effect of Killing Attacks often makes them the best chance against an opponent with high defenses, even if that opponent cannot be harmed by the BODY of the attack. This is counter to the purpose of normal attacks (normal attacks are supposed to do more STUN and less BODY than Killing Attacks).

The proposal here is that Killing Attacks are rolled the same way normal attacks are - triple the amount of dice (so a 3d6 HKA becomes a 9d6 HKA, a 1d6+1 becomes a 4d6, and so forth), and evaluate the roll as follows:

For example, if you roll 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 on a 6d6 attack, this would be 21 STUN and 6 BODY for a normal attack. If it is a killing attack with this rule, that becomes 19 STUN and and 7 BODY. All normal rules for Killing Attacks (resistant defenses, Penetrating, and so on) apply in the usual fashion. For comparison, a 2d6 KA in the normal rules would average 7 BODY and 18.67 STUN, so this is very close to the same average.