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The History of the Confederacy


Year Event
2,346 Several Amo clans join together along the banks of the Attin River and form the Igard Confederacy. The remaining Amo clans warn of Vashti being angered and fearing her retribution, refuse to join the fledgling nation.
4,046 The Igardian senate initiates a war of conquest against the barbarian tribes to the east. Under the leadership of Legate Evard, Igard manages to expand the empire by nearly 40,000 square miles.
5,946 The Igardian senate continues to grow the confederacy expanding its borders completely to the Shores of the Todar Ocean. The Confederacy now contains five Provinces only two of which are under the control of true Igardians.


Year Event
0 The Great Darkness ends
900 A massive earthquake shakes the continent of Aleron. The epicenter is located very near the Castretmus Confederacy with grave results. The confederacy is destroyed and what remains of the Amo peoples is barely enough to fill a large city.
1,500 The Amo peoples have slowly recovered and are spreading out among the Castretmus river valley again. Still fearful of building any form of structures they stick to caves or semi-nomadic camps for fear that they will come under the wrath of the goddess Vashti once more.
2,400 Amo fanatics, preaching the end of the world at the hands of Vashti because of Igards disregard for her power, descend upon the Confederacy. Tens of thousands die, but eventually the zealots are slaughtered to the man and Igard is established as a thriving Country.
2,847 Nearly 450 years after the Zealots War, another fanatical priest rises to prominence. Declaring Igard to be a land of heretics and sinners he leads another army of fanatics to burn them from the face of Aleron. The war is short-lived but drives a wedge between the people of Igard and the Amo barbarians.
3,146 Consul Antelfried and Consul Bertra of the Igard Confederacy begin a feud over border rights. Though this is a common occurrence within the Confederacy, it is aggravated when both the Consul's heirs slay each other during a “hunting accident”.
3,400 Several Amo clans begin to consolidate their power and wage a rather successful series of wars to conquer the surrounding tribes. Though the clans are generally victorious it isn't enough to bring Castretmus into a stable nation again.
4,100 The mighty Amo Chieftain, Alfrid unites the majority of the clans that still remain in the Castretmus River Valley. He and his shaman Sibulla instill the Cult of the Devourer which unites the Amo under the religious belief of Vashti and her warped children.
4,700 Several clans rebel against the power of the Cult and wars tear apart the Amo Horde from within as each clan attempts to tear off its own piece of the “empire”.
5,300 Chieftain Luldolf attempts to expand his clans influence into the Borderlands only to be repelled by Igards Legions, bolstered by “civilized” Amo Citizens.
6,000 The Cult of the Devourer becomes ascendant once more and nearly all Amo clans succumb to its teachings. The clans descend into a tradition of orgiastic blood rituals and many villages on the Borderlands become the scene of horrendous bloodshed.
6,700 Several Shamans had become covetous of each others power and after many skirmishes eventually separate and go their own ways; thus spreading the Cult's teachings throughout Southern Aleron.
6,946 The Igardian trade agreements with Lucania and Sjirt begin to pay off well and the Port of Marsten becomes a major hub for trade.


Year Event
7,746 Consul Morvein of the Borderlands Province dies without appointing a successor. Primus Treya secures the Consulship with her Century before Praefect Janils has a chance to call in favors. Minor skirmishes erupt through Marsten as the politicians vie for control, but Primus Treya prevails and is “elected” as the new Borderlands Consul.

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