Table of Contents

Table 762 - Rivals

Roll Who? Next Table
1 A former lover 762A
2 A family member. Roll on table 753 - Relatives to determine who 762A
3 A different species 762A
4 A stranger. Roll on Table 750 - Others 762A
5 A former friend 762A
6 An enemy of the family 762A
7 A sibling 762A
8 A professional rival of the same profession 762A
9 A friend 762A
10 Re-roll. If this result is generated again then the result is a god. Roll on table 10M using the Doresti column to determine which god. 762A

Table 762A

Roll Why? Next Table
1 Love the same person 762B
2 Sporting event rivals 762B
3 Parents were rivals 762B
4 Who looks best 762B
5 A perceived insult 762B
6 Seek the same goal 762B
7 Jealous of possessions 762B
8 Trying to outdo each other 762B
9 Distant ancestors were rivals 762B
10 Re-roll

Table 762B

Roll What Feelings?
1-3 Friendly
4-5 Jealous
6-7 Intense
8 Fierce
9 Deadly
10 Obsessive

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