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Table 649 - Exotic Personality

When rolling on Table 649 - Exotic Personality roll 1D20 and compare the result to the table below. Once finished; return to the table that sent you here.

Roll Result Next Table
1-4 Mental Affliction 649B
5-7 Phobia 649C
8-10 Allergy 649D
11-17 Behavior Tag 649E
18-19 Sexual Difference 649F
20 Several Features. Roll 1D3+1 times on this table ignoring this result in the future. 649

On Table 649B roll 2D10.

Table 649B

Roll Mental Affliction
2 Multiple Personalities - The person literally becomes someone else. 1D3 personas may manifest themselves. Roll on Table 318A - Personality Trait Types to determine the defining personality trait of each persona.
3 Compulsive Lying
4 Paranoia
5 Hallucinations
6 Catatonia
7 Megalomania
8 Severely Phobic
9 Manic-Depressive
10 Hypochondria
11-12 Depression
13 Hysterical Injury. Roll on Table 870 - Serious Wounds to determine the type of injury that he or she believes they have.
14-15 Obsessive Behavior. Roll on the table below.
1 : Devotion to a Trait. Roll on Table 647 - Light Trait
2 : Devotion to a Trait. Roll on Table 648 - Dark Trait
3 : Obsessive Hatred. Roll on the table below.
* 1 : All different species
* 2 : A particular species
* 3 : Monsters
* 4 : An individual. Roll on Table 750 - Others to determine who.
4 : Obsessive need to destroy
5 : Obsessive cleaner
6 : Obsessively Superstitious
7 : Obsessive need to collect certain objects. Roll on the table below.
* 1 : Roll on Table 863 - Gifts & Legacies
* 2 : Gold
* 3 : Animals
* 4 : Beautiful things/people
8 : Obsessive need to help others.
16 Kleptomania
17 Pyromania
18 Hysterical Sense Loss. He or she believes that they are blind or deaf.
19 Berserker Rage
20 Multiple Afflictions. Roll 1D3+1 times on this table ignoring this result in the future.

On Table 649C roll 2D20.

Table 649C

Roll Phobia
2 Being Alone - Monophobia
3 Animals - Zoophobia
4 Being Buried Alive - Taphophobia
5 Blood - Hematophobia
6 Cats - Ailuroophobia
7 Cold - Psychrophobia
8 Colors - Chromophobia
9 Corpses - Necrophobia
10 Darkness - Achiluophobia
11 Empty Rooms - Kenophobia
12 Enclosed Spaces - Claustrophobia
13 Females - Gynophobia
14 Fire - Pyrophobia
15 Flying - Aerophobia
16 God - Theophobia
17 Ghosts - Phasmophobia
18 Graves - Barophobia
19 Hair - Trichophobia
20 Heights - Acrophobia
21 Insects - Entomophobia
22 Magic - Magiophobia
23 Males - Androphobia
24 Missiles - Ballistophobia
25 Monstrosities - Teratophobia
26 Night - Nyctophobia
27 Open Spaces - Agoraphobia
28 Physical Love - Erotophobia
29 Poison - Toxiphobia
30 Rain - Ombrophobia
31 Sinning - Peccatophobia
32 Slime - Blennophobia
33 Snakes - Ophidophobia
34 Spiders - Arachnophobia
35 Storms - Astraphobia
36 Trees - Dendrophobia
37 Water - Hydrophobia
38 Wind - Anemophobia
39 Wounds or Injuries - Traumatophobia
40 Multiple Phobias. Roll 1D3+1 times on this table ignoring this result in the future.

On Table 649F roll 2D8.

Table 649F

Roll Sexual Difference
2 Transsexualism
3 Complete Disinterest
4 Extreme Shyness
5 Homosexuality
6 Bisexuality
7 Transvestitism
8 Nymphomania/Satyrism
9 Sadism
10 Masochism
11 Prude
12 Voyeurism
13 Fetishism. Roll on the table below.
1 : Women's Clothing
2 : Men's Clothing
3 : Shoes
4 : Hair
5 : Specific Body Location
6 : An Animal
7 : Roll on Table 649C
8 : Roll on Table 863 - Gifts & Legacies
9 : Roll on Table 750 - Others
10 : Roll on Table 753 - Relatives
14 Necrophilia
15-16 Multiple Differences. Roll 1D3+1 times on this table ignoring this result in the future.

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