Table of Contents

Table 5 - Family

Roll Result Notes Next Table
(-11) or less None Known Left to fend for yourself. Gain the Urban Survival Skill Package. 5A
(-10) - 0 None Known Raised in an Orphanage. 5A (+2 to roll)
1-11 Grand Parents Only Roll 1D6, on a 1-3 - Mothers Side, 4-6 - Fathers Side. If character is Illegitimate then it is always Mothers Side. 6
12-22 Single Grandparent Roll 1D6, on a 1-3 - Mothers Side, 4-6 - Fathers Side. If character is Illegitimate then it is always Mothers Side. Roll an additional 1D6, on a 1-3 - Grandmother, 4-6 - Grandfather. 6
23-33 Aunt and Uncle Roll 1D6, on a 1-3 - Mothers Side, 4-6 - Fathers Side. If character is Illegitimate then it is always Mothers Side. 6
34-44 Aunt or Uncle Roll 1D6, on a 1-3 - Mothers Side, 4-6 - Fathers Side. If character is Illegitimate then it is always Mothers Side. Roll an additional 1D6, on a 1-3 - Aunt, 4-6 - Uncle. 6
45-56 Mother and Father Only 6
57-67 Extended Family including Mother and Father Roll 1D4 to determine the number of each of the following family members - Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, and Cousins. If the character is illegitimate then roll only a 1D2 for the Grandparents. 6
68-78 Mother Only 6
79-89 Father Only Change to mother only if character is Illegitimate 6
90-100 Guardian 5B
101-107 None Known Left to fend for yourself. Gain the Urban Survival Skill Package. 5A
107 or higher None Known Raised in an Orphanage. 5A (+2 to roll)

Table 5A

Roll Result Next Table
1-4 Civilian/Destitute 6
5-6 Civilian/Poor 6

Table 5B

Roll Result Notes Next Table
1-8 Guardian - 5C
9-20 Orphaned but adopted Roll on Table 5 again but without any modifiers. If you roll this result again go to Table 5C 5

If Table 5A changes your Social Status then be sure to change your Social Mod and the Social Status Skills Package to properly reflect your new Social Status.

Table 5C

Roll Result Next Table
1-5 A Relative 5D (Re-roll results of Mother or Father)
6-8 Raised in an Orphanage. 5A (+2 to roll)
9-10 Adopted by another family 5
11 Raised by priests 5E
12 Raised by a family from a different culture. (See notes below) 1
13 Sold into indentured servitude to pay-off family debts. 5F
14 Raised on the street by outcasts (prostitutes, beggars, etc.). Gain Urban Survival Skill Package. 6
15 Raised by a Thieves Guild 5G
16 Passed from relative to relative until adulthood 6
17 Raised by an adventurer. 5H
18 You disappear for 1D10 years but cannot remember what happened. 6
19 Raised by wild beasts. Gain the Wildling Skill Package 6
20 Raised by monsters. 5I

If you roll a result of 12 on Table 5C, then you must go back to Table 1 start over to determine the family that you were raised by. This could result in a family that is of a different species. Do not change your species. If the new family results in a different culture and/or social status you will need to change your Cultural Skill Package, Culture Mod, Social Status Skill Package and Social Mod to accurately reflect your new family upbringing.

Continue to Table 6 - Siblings

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