Table 3 - Igard Confederacy Social Status

When rolling on Table 3 - Igard Confederacy Social Status, be sure to roll 1d100 and add your Culture Mod to the roll.

Roll Social Status Social Mod
0 or less Libertine/Destitute -5
1-10 Libertine/Poor -2
11-20 Libertine/Comfortable -1
21-30 Civilian/Destitute -3
31-40 Civilian/Poor -1
41-50 Civilian/Comfortable 0
51-60 Citizen/Poor 0
61-70 Citizen/Comfortable 1
71-80 Citizen/Well-To-Do 3
81-90 Citizen/Wealthy 5
91-92 Equestrian/Poor 1
93-96 Equestrian/Comfortable 2
97-98 Equestrian/Well-To-Do 4
99-100 Equestrian/Wealthy 6
101-103 Patrician/Comfortable 5
104 Patrician/Well-To-Do 7
105 Patrician/Wealthy 9

Record your characters Social Status and Social Mod. Don't forget to add the appropriate Social Status Skill Package.

Continue to Table 4 - Birth Legitimacy

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