

The world of Kamarathin was created by the A-ar, extremely powerful divine beings, commonly known as the Ancient Gods. How exactly they accomplished this and which of the current gods they created and why the A-ar left the world is a matter of debate among philosophers and theologians across the lands.

What is for certain is that there are currently a finite number of gods and they are worshipped in all lands and by all peoples. The nature of this worship, the names of the individual deities and even their portfolios may change, but the same gods are known by all peoples.

Some cultures eschew the worship of the primary gods in favor of spirit worship and are considered primitives at best and heretics at worst.

Within the continent of Aleron, the most prominent religion centers on a variation of the Prism Doctrine. The basis of the Prism Doctrine is that each god and goddess can be classified as a personification of a broad color based upon their relation to their worshippers.

The state religion of Igard is the Temple of the Holy Trinity which separates the gods into three colors (Red, Yellow, and Blue) which represent their mannerisms in a very general fashion rather than the six color breakdown of the parent doctrine. Red gods tend towards chaotic, unpredictable natures, blue gods are considered orderly in their approach while Yellow gods tend to be represented as switching between the two opposites.

The Temple of the Holy Trinity does not distinguish between “good” or “evil” and gods both beloved and feared may occupy the combined worship of those who venerate a particular color over another. Within the Igard Confederacy, the Blue Gods hold sway and to a lesser extent the Yellow Gods. Red Gods are almost universally shunned, though some, such as Ispa are still revered.

The list below color codes all of the gods that are worshipped within the Igard Confederacy and how they are classified. While this list is definitive, it does not cover any cults or branches of the primary Holy Trinity Doctrine. For example, the Amo follow only a small selection of deities in their Cult of the Devourer (nearly all being Red Gods), the Doresti tend to follow their traditional practice of worshipping each god individually (going so far as even adding a goddess to the list) and the Lucani primarily follow their worship of nature spirits, eschewing the Holy Trinity all together.

Colour Name Alignment Portfolio Notes
:kamarathin:blue.gif Chulashmel Lawful Evil Wind
Chulashmel is the cold north wind, the bringer of winter and the howling ice storms. His priest's work to turn all of Kamarathin into an ice covered hell.
:kamarathin:blue.gif Deelath Lawful Neutral Prosperity Deelath is dedicated to the pursuit of wealth. Patron to moneylenders, the wealthy and those that would gain wealth by any means. Commonly called the Greedy God, Deelath holds only one thing above all others and that is the gaining of money.
:kamarathin:blue.gif Eiri Lawful Evil Fertility Another god corrupted by Shosmayumi, Eiri was once the god of fertility. Prayed to by the barren to bring forth children and a patron to midwives. Now his blessings are a curse, for if one prays to him for a child she will receive ten…at once. Eiri's priests spread their destruction by causing over population.
:kamarathin:blue.gif Ereldar Lawful Good Redemption Ereldar is the god of redemption, favoring those who would seek peace for the wrongs they have committed. He often works alongside Ezemend in the hopes of letting the unjust admit their guilt before Ezemend can pass judgment.
:kamarathin:blue.gif Ezema Lawful Neutral Music The patron of musicians, composers, singers and bards. Ezema is the bringer of music to Kamarathin.
:kamarathin:blue.gif Ezemend Lawful Neutral Justice
Ezemend demands that all laws are to be followed. She is dedicated to the letter of the law and does not care if it is perceived as good or evil. To Ezemend and her followers, there is only evil in chaos and lawlessness.
:kamarathin:red.gif Fendirisha Chaotic Good Weather Fendirisha was once a member of the Sky and Weather gods but was betrayed and nearly slain by his son and daughter (Chulashmel and Manes), just before the start of the Scale Wars. Though he was unable to participate due to this, he has been slowly gathering new followers in the hopes of one day destroying his children.
:kamarathin:red.gif Ispa Chaotic Good Healing Ispa is the goddess of healing and her priests are sought the world over. She is a steadfast ally to the good gods and her priests and paladins will never rest until Tannermet and his followers are destroyed.
:kamarathin:blue.gif Jannet Lawful Neutral Dawn The sister to Mani, Jannet is the goddess of the morning and new beginnings. She is often sought when someone wishes to begin on a journey or to bless a new ship or venture.
:kamarathin:blue.gif Lamber Lawful Neutral Strength The goddess of strength, she is popular among warriors and soldiers who honor a strong arm. She favors those who prefer to smash down a door rather than waste time trying to open it.
:kamarathin:blue.gif Maidet Lawful Good Crafts Maidet is the craftswoman of the gods and patron to those who would create goods or toil in manual labor. Her priests can be found anywhere there is hard labor and never in a temple. Her priesthood is formed from and for the common man.
:kamarathin:red.gif Manes Chaotic Evil Sky
Manes is the raw indiscriminate fury of a thunderstorm. A pure representation of hate, chaos and anger. Her temper flares quickly, with no warning and doesn't end until she leaves behind total destruction.
:kamarathin:yellow.gif Mani Neutral Good Sun
Mani is well liked among the other gods, as he is an affable fellow who believes in the good of all. He strives to maintain his life giving energy and orderly, mild seasons so that all can grow and prosper. His priests carry this belief by establishing hostels and communal farms to assist and employ those in need.
:kamarathin:yellow.gif Maserestus Neutral Good Good Maserestus is dedicated to the destruction of all evil and the betterment of those who would be good. He and Mani are staunch allies and the two are rarely seen apart. His priests and paladins preach charity and welfare while scouring the lands for evil to eradicate.
:kamarathin:white.gif Merele Neutral Good Suffering
Merele is only worshipped among the Doresti. She is the patron of those who have or do suffer needlessly and works to bring justice to her followers tormentors.
:kamarathin:blue.gif Mininyen Lawful Neutral Agriculture Mininyen is the farmer's god, the taming of the wild into orderly fields of wheat, corn and vineyards is what he and his followers seek. This puts them at odds with the followers of Pane, and both Mininyen and his priests consider Nemera and Eiri to be abominations.
:kamarathin:blue.gif Nantunas Lawful Neutral Trade The goddess of merchants. Nantunas and her follower's work tirelessly to open new markets and establish new trade routes. Along with her husband, Deelath, she seeks to spread the merchant class across Kamarathin.
:kamarathin:yellow.gif Nemera Neutral Evil Plants Nemera is Mininyen's brother and Vashti's son. Having succumbed to Shosmayumi's corruption along with his mother, Nemera and his priesthood spend their time corrupting the plants of Kamarathin. The goal of his priesthood is to make the plant life of Kamarathin, every bit as dangerous as the humanoid and animal life that lives amongst it.
:kamarathin:yellow.gif Octitius Neutral Good Fortune
Octitius is the gamblers god. A being with a golden heart and a streak of humor, placated by those who live by the seat of their pants or down on their luck and looking for a break.
:kamarathin:blue.gif Ofrinea Lawful Good Poetry The patron of poets and playwrights, Ofrinea is a surprisingly serious god. Creativity and prose spring forth from this deity and his followers, but they are well planned and very ordered. Every line and every act are in their proper place for Ofrinea does not believe in random art.
:kamarathin:yellow.gif Otames Neutral Evil Messengers
Favored consort of Shosmayumi, Otames is the patron of assassins and terrorists. Shosmayumi uses her and her followers to bring his demands to light, usually in the form of death, kidnapping and sabotage.
:kamarathin:yellow.gif Pane Neutral Moon
Pane is the epitome of nature; he cares little for the concerns, celestial wars and politics of the other gods and will strike out at good or evil so long as it brings forth a balance. His priesthood is the same, protecting nature from the predations of the mortal races. Good and evil have no bearing on them.
:kamarathin:red.gif Phraotes Chaotic Neutral Mischief
One of the great nature gods, Phraotes is a lively and jovial fellow who enjoys nothing more than a good prank. It is said that the sound of thunder on a cloudless day is the laughter of this god.
:kamarathin:red.gif Pola Chaotic Good War
Bold Causes
Pola is the rebel goddess, a wild and carefree warrior who favors the brave and those who would fight oppression. She is constantly at odds with all deities of lawful and evil orientations.
:kamarathin:yellow.gif Reshan Neutral Evil Guardianship Reshan is quite insane; her corruption by Shosmayumi was devastating. Once the patron of guards and soldiers she has now become the patron to those who would hoard. Knowledge, wealth, food, nothing is to be shared and all is to be kept. Her priesthood consists of thieves and paranoid hermits and misers who are constantly adding more traps or hiding spots to protect their belongings.
:kamarathin:yellow.gif Sautia Neutral Good Peace
Sautia is the goddess of peace and diplomacy; she despises war and those that would cause it. Her priesthood is made of pacifists and consummate diplomats and negotiators.
:kamarathin:red.gif Shosmayumi Chaotic Evil Black Magic
The god of magic and the spreader of evil, he was the cause of the Scale Wars and is constantly planning and scheming to destroy, imprison, enslave or corrupt all of the gods and mortals of Kamarathin.
:kamarathin:blue.gif Siterrist Lawful Good Hunting
Siterrist is the huntress, the patron of the night and the guardian of those who would travel beneath the moon. She is worshipped by rangers, hunters, trappers and druids and favors those that are active during the nighttime.
:kamarathin:blue.gif Tannermet Lawful Evil Disease
Tannermet is a cruel, plotting and meticulous god, wishing nothing more than to watch the world rot away. His priesthood is very methodical and precise in their spread of disease, if a tad uncreative.
:kamarathin:blue.gif Tengiron Lawful Good Wisdom
Revered as a teacher, sage and banisher of ignorance, Tengiron' priests are considered to be the wisest and most learned members of any society. Many leaders often enlist her priests as advisors.
:kamarathin:red.gif Testian Chaotic Neutral Metalworking Testian is the smith of the gods and her priests are renowned for their craftsmanship. Testian is a strong believer in ones own talent and she refuses to let her priests share their secrets even among themselves.
:kamarathin:blue.gif Vamind Lawful Neutral Arts
Father to Ezema and Ofrinea, Vamind is the guidance behind the patrons of the Arts and those that would craft a Kingdom. The orderly creation of a sculpture, painting or rulership is what Vamind holds dear.
:kamarathin:blue.gif Varro Lawful Evil Competition Varro represents the dark side of competition; to him survival of the fittest is quite literal; the loser of any competition must die. However, he brooks no cheating and insures that all contests are fair.
:kamarathin:blue.gif Vashti Lawful Evil Earth The goddess of volcanoes, earthquakes and all manner of earthbound calamities. She despises the mortals and all things that would desecrate her earth.
:kamarathin:yellow.gif Xeruvames Neutral Fire
Xeruvames is the consummate berserker, exulting in battle; he rampages across the battlefield, slaying friend and foe alike. He represents Fire and Death and slays just as uncaringly as his sphere's of influence. Xeruvames despises only one thing and that is Tannermet, for undeath is the antithesis of this fiery warrior.
:kamarathin:red.gif Xesina Chaotic Good Love
Xesina is one of the few deities that managed to escape the Scale Wars unscathed and thus retained her full power. Dedicated to the emotion of love and those who find themselves in its thrall, Xesina's priesthood is dedicated to helping find and enjoy this feeling. In addition Xesina represents devotion and loyalty to the ones you love and thus is a patron of families and friends. Those who place loyalty as a sacred institute will often find solace in this faith.

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