Table of Contents


Magic within Igard is a rare and fanciful thing. The Igardians are not particularly adept at its use and no Igardian has ever discovered any particular form of it. The few non-religious spell-casters that exist within Igard are generally Doresti Runeschrijvers.

In fact, Runeschrijver is the only “commonly” used form of magic within the continent of Aleron. The exception to this is the widespread priests of the various gods. Faith based spell-casters are far more common than any other type.

Magic within Kamarathin

This document is intended to outline the way magic works within the world of Kamarathin. As with anything else within the game world I will attempt to codify and classify the way it works.

First is to establish the high level mechanics. This entails breaking magic up into three main groups; Source, Methodology and Structure.

Source indicates where the magic energy comes from while methodology is how the spell-caster manipulates the energy. Structure dictates how the spells are “bought” or grouped within game terms.





All spells must have the “Requires Skill Roll” and “Costs END” limitations. All non-faith based spell-casters must have the Awakened Package Deal.

The Grid

As I (or the players) develop new forms of magic use, they will be listed in the grid below. This will serve as a quick reference for new and old players a like to see the similarities of their magic system when compared to another. This will also show area's that are lacking an established magic style in case the GM or players wish to develop a new style that has yet to be seen in the game world.

Methodology Structure Ambient Bestowed Favors Self
Channeled EC Prism Priest
Individual Devoted
Formulaic EC
Stored EC Runeschrivjer
Willpower EC
MP Spirit Binding

Spirit Binding


The Spirit Binder is based upon the mage summoning and then dominating various types of spirits. During the mages training they will acquire one or more spirits which they “train” to perform certain tasks upon command.

The spirits are generally not too fond of this arrangement and are constantly attempting to break the control of the mage.

Source: Favors
Methodology: Willpower
Structure: Multipower

Multipower Requirements: Each spirit is represented by a Multipower. The slots within the multipower represent tricks/abilities that the spirit has been trained to do.

A Spirit Binder can only have a number of spirits bound to him equal to his Ego divided by 5.

Spirits can only be trained to perform tasks that are within their nature (For example a spirit of Anger cannot be trained to make someone fall in love). Lists of possible spirits will be generated as the need arises.

Spell Requirements: There are no mandatory restrictions for individual spells.

Spirit Types: There are myriad spirits available to the Spirit Binder. Each has its own style and uses. The following list is a general breakdown of spirit types as creating a truly exhaustive list just isn't feasible. As players determine that they wish to play a Spirit Binder, I will develop any special requirements and list them here.

Sample Fire Spirit:

Cost Slot Power Endurance
11 - Fire Spirit: Multipower, 30-point reserve, (30 Active Points); all slots Extra Time (Full Phase, -1/2), Requires A Spirit Mastery (Fire Spirit) Roll (-1/2), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4) -
1u 1) Eyes of the Fire Spirit: Infrared Perception (Sight Group) (5 Active Points); Costs Endurance (-1/2), Extra Time (Full Phase, -1/2), Requires A Spirit Mastery (Fire Spirit) Roll (-1/2), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4) 1 END
1u 2) Heart of the Fire Spirit: Life Support (Safe in Intense Heat; Self-Contained Breathing) (12 Active Points); Costs Endurance (-1/2), Extra Time (Full Phase, -1/2), Requires A Spirit Mastery (Fire Spirit) Roll (-1/2), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4) 1 END
1u 3) Heated Wind: Energy Blast 3d6, Area Of Effect (4“ Cone; +1) (30 Active Points); Extra Time (Full Phase, -1/2), Requires A Spirit Mastery (Fire Spirit) Roll (-1/2), Limited Range (-1/4), No Knockback (-1/4), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4) 3 END
1u 4) Sunlight: Sight Group Flash 3d6, Personal Immunity (+1/4), Area Of Effect (One Hex; +1/2) (26 Active Points); No Range (-1/2), Extra Time (Full Phase, -1/2), Requires A Spirit Mastery (Fire Spirit) Roll (-1/2), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4) 3 END
1u 5) Fireball: Killing Attack - Ranged 2d6 (30 Active Points); Extra Time (Full Phase, -1/2), Requires A Spirit Mastery (Fire Spirit) Roll (-1/2), Limited Range (-1/4), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4) 3 END



Runeschrivjer was discovered nearly 3500 years ago by Kinet Themel, a Doresti smith and bard of local renown in the town of Ashliret after the fall of the Kingdom of Nelel. Kinet was fond of engraving runes in the swords and armor of his Warlords soldiers. This passion soon led to him inscribing heroic tales from his people's history.

Overtime a few patrons regaled the smith with stories of how their armor or weapon performed miraculous feats in battle. Kinet enjoyed the stories but initially refused to believe that he had anything to do with it. As more and more customers came back to him with similar tales Kinet found it harder and harder to disbelieve.

Eventually he began to compare the runes he had inscribed into the suspect equipment and through experimentation he finally unlocked the secrets to what he had been doing inadvertently. With help from a priest of Testian, Kinet was able to codify his talents and it wasn't long before other smiths began asking to learn from the first Runeschrivjer.

Source: Ambient
Methodology: Stored
Structure: Elemental Control

A Runeschrivjer is a mage that works “spells” through the medium of magical writing. The specific words themselves are inherently magical but not enough to work on their own. The Runeschrivjer enhances this innate energy through concentration, chanting and placing the runes in a specific order to achieve a specific result.

Runeschrivjer learn Runes, which they can then inscribe upon objects of various Media. They use these Runes to make both powerful Permanent Magic Items and Ephemeral temporary effects. Thus a Runeschrivjer might spend weeks crafting a Magical weapon, or suit of armor, or mystic sigil to be incorporated into a structure that will last for ages, or a few hours inscribing a Rune holding a temporary effect such as a Glyphic Trap instead.

Runes are broken down into several categories. Each of these categories reflects the overall function of the runes. Each category must be bought as a separate Elemental Control.

Bescherming: Rune of Protection
Aanval: Rune of Attack
Fysiek: Rune of Physical Enhancement
Geestelijk: Rune of Mental Enhancement
Betekenissen: Rune of Senses
Heel: Rune of Healing

Runeschrivjers can inscribe simple Runes that are not meant to last forever, but which can be very useful while they last. Ephemeral Magic Items are Magic Items that are built with Non-recoverable Charges and do not cost Character Points to make. All Ephemeral Runes must be built with a specific Trigger.

In order to inscribe an Ephemeral Rune a Runeschrivjer must have the appropriate skill for the Media they wish to add a Rune to as well as the appropriate materials and tools.

Thus if a Runeschrivjer wanted to add a Rune to a garment they need PS: Embroidery, a needle, and sufficient thread but if they wished to inscribe the same Rune in stone they must have PS: Sculpting and have a hammer and chisel. It is left up to the GM's discretion whether a Runeschrivjer has the correct materials in sufficient quantity for a given Rune.

It is assumed that all Elemental Controls are bought as ephemeral and the following Elemental Control is written up with that in mind:

If the Runeschrivjer wishes to make the rune permanent then he or she must purchase separate Elemental Controls to indicate this.

Absoluut Bescherming: Permanent Rune of Protection
Absoluut Aanval: Permanent Rune of Attack
Absoluut Fysiek: Permanent Rune of Physical Enhancement
Absoluut Geestelijk: Permanent Rune of Mental Enhancement
Absoluut Betekenissen: Permanent Rune of Senses
Absoluut Heel: Permanent Rune of Healing

And here is how the permanent Elemental Control is written up:

Items can have multiple runes inscribed onto them and each rune must be written separately and takes the indicated amount of time. The creation of permanent runes must also include the creation of the object that is being inscribed upon and this must be manufactured by the Runeschrivjer himself.

Items enchanted with permanent runes must be paid for with character points by the Runeschrivjer doing the inscribing.

Many Runeschrivjers will find the following skills/abilities rather handy in their careers, particularly if they intend to create permanent runic items.

Psionics within Kamarathin

People with psionic powers do exist within Kamarathin. Psionics are not magical and thus cannot affect nor be affected by magical spells. Psionics are inherent abilities based on the power of the mind. That being said, psionics are very rare among the people of Kamarathin with only the Kolajik (and their sub-species) having it naturally.

Killershrike explains psionics quite well and most of the information he has on his website is how I plan on utilizing them in Kamarathin.

Anything written in italics is taken directly from his site.

A staple of some Fantasy settings, Psion's are powerful complements to any adventuring group. Perhaps the most versatile of all the professions, no two Psion's are exactly the same and there is a tremendous amount of room for customization. Each Psion's personal ability set is a story just waiting to be told; the best Psion characters have abilities backed up by a detailed background establishing why a particular Psion is more of an expert at subtle Telepathic Powers than at overt Psychokinesis, or has much more experience with Clairsentient information gathering Powers than with Psychometabolic form manipulation, etc.

Compared to other professions Psion's emphasize inner power. While Wizards need their books and Priests need their deities, Psion's need only a strong will. Psionicists trade the certainty and raw magnitude of Magic for a less reliable but infinitely more flexible power. Many Psionicists use their Powers to enhance their skill in another profession; such as a Psychometabolicist that uses his mastery over his own flesh to improve his fighting ability.

There are four groupings of Psionic Powers called Disciplines. They are Psychometabolism, Telepathy, Psychokinesis, and Clairsentience.

While some Psion's are generalists, learning all types of Disciplines, most Psion's learn the majority of their Powers from a single Discipline. Such specialized Psion's are often referred to by their chosen focus Discipline; thus a specialist in Telepathy might be called a Telepath.

Psionic Powers are grouped into four Disciplines. Each Discipline concerns itself with distinct applications of Psionic Power; with a focus on the end result rather than the means. The four Disciplines are described below.

In order to utilize any powers from a specific Discipline, the character must have the appropriate Power Skill. In addition, a Psion that does acquire a Power Skill may purchase the special ability listed in the Discipline description.

In addition to the Power Skills, all potential Psion's must have the Talent: Psionic Gift which costs 5 Points.





Endurance Reserves

Psionicists must take an Endurance Reserve for their Psionic Powers, and run their Powers off of this Reserve. By default the Recovery Requires a Meditation Roll (and 1 TURN of Meditation).

Power Construction Restrictions

As a Campaign Rule the following restrictions apply to the creation of Psionic Powers.

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