Table of Contents

Igardian Social Structure

Igardian social structure is a rather convoluted affair with many twists, turns and restrictions. Political and Military ranks are so intertwined that it would be futile to try and separate the two. In addition to this, the status that you are born into greatly affects where you can or cannot go within the social hierarchy (generally due to tradition rather than any hard written law).

Status of Birth

To start I will list the “beginning” social structure. These rankings will be the most common and are generally decided at birth. However, even here, one's social status can change through their own actions and/or those of a higher ranking member of society with a keen exception of the Patricians.

Perk Title Definition
-15 Slave Slaves were allowed to make money (though their owner could take it from them) and own property, even buy their own freedom and own other slaves. Called Libertini when freed. A Libertini is the equivalent of a Civilian.
0 Civilian Anyone who wasn't a property-owner and who could not afford sword, armor, shield, and food wasn't able to become a Citizen. This also applies to any non-Igardian that takes up residence in the Confederacy and doesn't take the Oath of Citizenship.
1 Citizen Served in the military and allowed to vote. Advancing to any rank beyond Military Tribune (and later, Aedile) is difficult at best.
2 Equestrian While the name does derive from horse, it doesn't translate well to Knight. Basically an equestrian is a Citizen who can afford a horse along with the rest of his war gear, and therefore became cavalry. Equestrians can advance higher in rank than Citizens, but it is still harder than Patricians.
3 Patrician The 'nobility' of Igard, they are supposedly able to trace their ancestry back to the original population of Igard.

Political Rankings

The following table lists the possible political titles and offices that can be held by an Igardian citizen. In addition, the table lists the appropriate military titles that must be held as a requirement.

Perk Title Definition Requirements
1 Quaestor-Ex If you once held an office, you still have some clout, even if it's been 20 years. Once held the office
2 Quaestor Minoris A close relative or friend of someone who holds this title. A close relative or friend of someone who holds this title.
2 Aedile-Ex If you once held an office, you still have some clout, even if it's been 20 years. Once held the office
3 Praetor-Ex If you once held an office, you still have some clout, even if it's been 20 years. Once held the office
3 Quaestor A financial officer or treasurer for an Aedile. Citizen, Equestrian or Patrician
3 Aedile Minoris A close relative or friend of someone who holds this title. A close relative or friend of someone who holds this title.
3 Senator-Ex If you once held an office, you still have some clout, even if it's been 20 years. Once held the office
4 Aedile They are responsible for the upkeep of public buildings/works and the organization of religious festivals. Aediles have a limited form of Imperium, the right to do anything they deemed necessary within their sphere of influence. Military Tribune
4 Senator Minoris A close relative or friend of someone who holds this title. A close relative or friend of someone who holds this title.
4 Praetor Minoris A close relative or friend of someone who holds this title. A close relative or friend of someone who holds this title.
5 Senator Anyone who has served as a Quaestor is automatically eligible to be elected senator for life. The only way to lose this position is to have it stripped by a Censor. There are currently around 300 senators in the Confederacy. Quaestor
5 Praetor These are the assistants to a Consul. Equestrian or Patrician and Plebian-Ex
6 Consul-Ex If you once held an office, you still have some clout, even if it's been 20 years. Once held the office
7 Consul Minoris A close relative or friend of someone who holds this title. A close relative or friend of someone who holds this title.
8 Consul Consuls are in charge of a Province. There are currently 5 Consuls serving the Confederation. Patrician and Praetor-Ex

Military Rankings

The following table lists the possible Military titles and offices that can be held by an Igardian citizen. In addition, the table lists the appropriate political titles that must be held as a requirement.

Perk Title Definition Requirements
1 Legionnaire All Citizens are considered to be Legionnaires. Thus this title is free to all Citizens Citizen, Equestrian or Patrician
2 Military Tribune Quaestors who desire senatorial status are elected to the post of Military Tribune; they are distributed among the legions as commanders. Quaestor
2 Decurion Squad leader of a 'tent group' of 8-10 men. Each century had 8-10 of these squads. Citizen, Equestrian or Patrician
2 Signifer-in-Training A Decurion who is training to become a Signifer Decurion
3 Plebian Tribune The have the right to mete out capital punishment. A tribune is required to have his house open all day and all night in order to hear the issues of his electorate. Equestrian or Patrician and Quaestor
3 Tesserarius The Optio's assistant. Third in command of a century. Decurion
3 Cornicen One for each Signifer and Signifer-in-training. They relayed oral commands and called everyone's attention for announcements/lunch at camp. Also had code sounds on their horns. Decurion
3 Signifer The paymaster. Carried a standard and was in charge of pay, rations, and equipment and occasionally settles disputes. One per century. Decurion
4 Optio Second in command to a centurion. Tesserarius
4 Aquilifer Standard-bearer. Depending on the period, there could be one per legion, century, or cohort. Usually they were promoted to centurion pretty quickly. Signifer
5 Centurion Each legion has around 60 Centurions, each in command of a century of men (80-100). 6 Centuries make up a cohort. Centurions are usually career soldiers and are the 'real' backbone of the command structure. Equestrian or Patrician and Aquilifer
6 Pilus Prior The centurions of the first ten centuries. Equestrian or Patrician and Centurion
7 Ordinaries The centurions of centuries 2-6, technically also including the Primus Pilus. Basically the top ranked centurions. Equestrian or Patrician and Centurion
8 Primus Pilus Literally “First Spear”. He is the commanding centurion of the first cohort. Also the most senior centurion in the legion. They (and their family) are guaranteed equestrian status upon death or retirement. Equestrian or Patrician and Ordinarie
9 Tribune Augusticlave Equestrian officers, there were 5 of them who performed administrative tasks and were usually granted full tactical command as well. Usually career veterans. Equestrian and Primus
11 Praefect A long serving veteran, third in command Patrician and Primus
13 Tribune Laticlave Second in command, always from an important family. Patrician and Praefect
15 Legate The overall commander of a legion - the general. Sometimes also the consul of a province. The term is for 2-4 years, but sometimes extended if there was a particularly nasty war and no suitable replacements. Patrician and Laticlave


Adding together all of characters current titles will result in the characters Authoritus. This reflects the characters absolute political mojo and how they are treated by NPC's. Imperium The grant of Imperium indicates someone who owns property. If someone has Imperium they have free will to do as they please within the borders of their property.

In game terms this means that the person has a Demesne (Fantasy Hero p.101). The following chart dictates the maximum number of points the person can have to develop their Demesne.

Social Rank Maximum Points Available
Citizen 1 x Authoritus
Equestrian 3 x Authoritus
Patrician 5 x Authoritus

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