The Whiz


When the Doctor invited you to come with him, you saw it as a challenge from an equal. Not that he agreed, but that hardly matters. You took turns besting each other in little puzzles and great discoveries alike. He afforded you the opportunity to learn more than anyone back home could ever teach you. You’ve mastered grand and exotic technologies and sciences. It’s only a pity that the Doctor didn’t live longer; no one is your equal now.

Tags Moves Gear

Aggressive Improvisation: When you jury rig a device using scrap, describe its purpose and effect, then roll +scrap you choose to spend (max +3). 

On a 10+, hold 3. 

On 7–9, hold 2.

  • Weapons: Spend hold 1 for 1 to add or remove tags. The weapon starts with +hand, +loud, and +stun. If you remove +stun, the weapon is deadly.
  • Armour or shields: You create an invincible barrier of energy or matter. Nothing can get through it for a few minutes. Spend your hold 1 for 1 to choose from the following.
    • It protects you.
    • It protects a small group of people (enough to fit in a small room).
    • It lasts for a few hours instead of a few minutes.
  • Other: On a 10+, spend your hold 1 for 1 to choose from the following.
    • It lasts a few hours.
    • You don’t get hurt from its use.
    • No one else gets hurt from its use.
    • Someone other than you can figure out how to use it.
    • You build it quickly.
You get all the following: 
  • 3-scrap (hi-tech valuable). Detail these if you like. They are used when you make the Aggressive Improvisation move. They have no function of their own before you improvise with them. You can acquire more scrap as the fiction demands, or through the use of the Machine Culture move. 
  • Clothing appropriate to your look. Describe the details. One weapon and one item you’ve built. Treat them like the product of a full hit with Aggressive Improvisation. These do not cost scrap. They’re not temporary either; you took your time with these off-camera, so they’re in no danger of falling apart.
Vortex Tags
Emotional Keys Scrap #
You may convert any machine into 1 to 3 scrap, depending on size. If you don’t understand the machine in question, you must make the Machine Culture move first. You can carry a max of 6 scrap at any one time.
If you are breaking down scrap in a Dire Situation, the MC may require you to Act under Pressure first.
Pick two: Curiosity, Loyalty, Hubris + another Whiz move You also get the stuff and trappings appropriate to a lower- to middle-class lifestyle.
Experience Fate Spark
(_) (_) (_) (_) (_) >> Improvement Romance Move

Improvements When your character is having an intimate moment with their lover, you may elect to have a sudden flash of inspiration, equivalent to a full hit when you Talk to Her. You must immediately ignore your lover and leave them to pursue the meaning of your insight. Your lover takes −1 History with you.
Bonds and History
Improvements after your fifth Choose one or more. Best to choose many.
  •  ________ may be my new equal, like the Doctor was. (+3) 
  • ________ was there for me when my failure cost lives. (+2) 
  • ________ is so beautiful that they actually distract me. (+1) 
  • I once saved ________’s life with one of my devices. (+1) 
  • ________ is a cipher to me. I need to understand them as a person. (+1)

Changing images on this character sheet

To change the Fate clock image or the Spark image, left click on it, delete the current image, click on the "insert image icon", choose "link" and copy one of the following addresses in-


Choose your name, look, stats, moves, bonds, and keys.


Curie, Bohr, Faraday, Heisenberg, Rutherford, Dirac, Brahe, Euclid, Erlich, Lysenko.

Exilon, Fomasi, Cheem, Whyrn, Makra, Optera, Toclophane, Dydra, Hoyx, Movel.


Feminine, masculine, androgynous, fluid, nonhuman.

Casual clothes, stained lab wear, ratty t-shirts and jeans, sports team wear, hand-medowns.

Round face, hatchet face, baby face, soft face, scowling face.

Curious eyes, bright eyes, clever eyes, clear eyes, innocent eyes.

Doughy body, short body, wiry body, thin body, stringy body.


Choose one set.


You get all the basic moves, Aggressive Improvisation and choose one more Whiz move.


Choose one or more. Best to choose many.

Starting Emotional Keys

Pick two: Curiosity, Loyalty, Hubris. Write them in “Mark Experience When …”