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13/12/2005 3:27:38 PM

Dwarven Culture



On Luck

Dwarves believe that to go three days without seeing the sun is a sign that good fortune is on its way.

On Birth and Death

Dwarves, who live in mountains/underground, demand a burial in stone…that way the soul becomes part of the mountain and enriches the mining. Dwarves hold elaborate wakes in honor of the dead – drinking, singing songs, and telling tales of the deceased and his ancestors. The goal of a Dwarvish wake is to make enough noise so the gods take notice when a Dwarf enters heaven.


Constant rain wears away stone.: A dwarven expression indicating the value of persistence.“ Gold in the ground is yet rock.: A dwarven proverb used in the same manner as “a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush”.” His beard is longer than his years.: A dwarven phrase used to indicate that a person is wiser than their age would indicate.“ Never injure your pride by substituting your axe for a smith's hammer.: A dwarven proverb meaning “the right tool for the right job.” People die for wealth and birds die for food.: An Dwarven proverb that speaks to what is truly of value.” The Gods look after fools, children, and drunkards… humans usually count for two out of three.: A Dwarven saying that expresses their general opinion of the human race.“
