
A flying beast native to the red plains of southern Tabiti, Jaegera appear like great winged lions, except being largely rust-red in colour, with only small manes made up of short spines like those of a porcupine, and muzzles closer to those of dogs than cats. From nose to tail an adult Jaegera can measure as much as 8 feet in length. A pair of broad, feathered wings emerge from the creature's back and span 25 feet or more. A Jaegera weighs 500 lbs or more.

When a jaegera is angry or frightened, its spine-mane frills up and engorges with blood, becoming noticeably black in colouration.

Jaegera are often hunted and captured by Tabiti nobles and kept as a mark of status. They are often used in hunting, much like Vallioran's use falcons and Voor use dogs.

Jarrm the Skeletal

(313-353) Brother to King Muchbled of the Blooddrinkers. An emaciated man, Jarrm was a devoted follower of the druids, and opposed what he saw as the weakening of Blooddrinkers under Muchbled's rapprochement with the Montese. He overthrew Muchbled in a coup in early 353 and forced the King to seek shelter in Bodwin's Howe. However, Jarrm rashly attacked that village and was defeated and slain by Montese forces under Duke Raymond of Aguiliers, who was passing by. Following Jarrm's death, his following was eliminated by Muchbled, backed by the Montese.