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Outside the Cleft

Posted by: theseus Apr 21 2005, 11:12 AM«

In the shimmering heat haze, amongst the hardy scrub of the desert, the distant figure of a man can be seen. Yeesha hauls herself over the edge of the cliff with a couple of steps to regain her balance. She waves at the figure in the distance and moves forward to meet him. The sun is low on the horizon and the heat is slowly melting out of the day. The small shrubs and scattered boulders cast long shadows, making the ground appear more rumpled than it lies. She jogs around to the gate towards the stranger, squinting into the setting sun to try and discern any features. Gideon appears familiar, albeit less dressed than previously seen. He is wearing a pair of trousers and carrying a glass bottle of some sort. Unlike his dream self, he appears to have an injured foot. The heat of the day does not appear to bother him, even though his pale skin suggests he is a native to cooler and much less arid climates.

Posted by: Sim Apr 22 2005, 02:48 AM«

Yeesha smiles and approaches him cautiously. Welcome. You made it in… well, one piece. That's good. Come, are you hungry? Thirsty?

Posted by: Curufea Apr 22 2005, 09:52 AM«

I apologise for my state of dress, says Gideon as he gestures towards his trousers - his only clothing worn.“ I was rudely awoken this morning, and had to leave in a hurry. But I have not as yet broken my fast, so I thank you for your hospitality and gladly accept. He bows, curtly.

Posted by: Sim Apr 22 2005, 05:11 PM«

Yeesha looks down at her trousers and beats the dust from them… Well, you are probably better attired than you think. She sizes him up slowly. I've got some clothes that will fit you, but they are not anywhere as stylish as the last outfit I saw. Anyway, come on in… She turns and heads back towards the ladder.

Posted by: Curufea Apr 26 2005, 10:34 AM«

Ah, no doubt I was dressed how I always dreamt myself best suited. He smiles before gesturing in the direction Yeesha came. Lead on, my lady, says Gideon.”

Inside the Cleft

Posted by: Sim Apr 25 2005, 10:50 PM«

Yeesha and Gideon continue from 007 Outside the Cleft… Yeesha walks through the door and looks at her two guests. Oh good, you found some tea. I have food here too if you are hungry. She gestures at the plate of pastries. It might be a good idea to fill up now, I don't know when our next meal will be, and how easy it will be to obtain provisions where we are going. She turns to Gideon. Now, do you want me to have a look at that foot? Or is it an old injury?“

Posted by: Curufea Apr 26 2005, 07:00 AM«

Gideon raises his eyebrow at the pastries as he walks somewhat gingerly in. Ma'am, I am afraid it is a recent injury. A mishap with a crossbow, he says..”

Posted by: Reyn Apr 26 2005, 04:08 PM«

Reyn stands as the two enter, watching this newcomer limp across the room. A sideways glance is shared with Arenea to see if she has moved into an alerted stance or whether she recognises the man. Pushing his stool closer to the man Reyn offers him the chance to sit. Take your weight off, sit. I'm Reyn, and this is Arenea.“ While the absence of any title or House affiliation in Reyn's introduction may not be obvious to the man if he is not of the Courts, the guarded tone in Reyn's voice cannot be missed.” Are your assailants nearby or did you leave them behind when you trumped in?

Posted by: erichenry Apr 26 2005, 05:03 PM«

When Reyn looks, Arenea has shifted position slightly. Although still appearing casual, Arenea has moved so that her weight is tensed on one leg, ready to push off from the stool, and she has pushed the cloak back from the hilt of her sword. She waits to see how the newcomer reacts.

Posted by: Curufea Apr 27 2005, 12:53 PM«

Ladies, and gentleman, how do you do., says Gideon.“ I must apologise for my half nakedness, I should have suspected Yeesha had other guests present. The pale man in trousers glances around the room. Spying the table he places the bottle that was in his hand upon it before turning back, now empty handed, to give a short bow. My name is Gideon. And you were quite right that I was pursued here, my good sir. They were near, but I have most definitely left them behind. Gideon sits down somewhat gratefully next to Reyn, with a nod of politeness to Arenea. Completely casually, and at ease. Ma'am

Posted by: Reyn Apr 27 2005, 01:34 PM«

Reyn returns the greeting with a nod, Gideon.” Waiting a moment to see whether Yeesha intends to do something about Gideon's foot, Reyn stays standing next to the seated man. Deciding that the best way to gain more information on this latest possible ally is to share some first, Reyn continues with his earlier introductions. Arenea and I are from the Courts, although from different Houses. Do you also hail from Chaos or do you call a Shadow home?

Posted by: Curufea Apr 27 2005, 03:16 PM«

Well, the shadows wherever possible, as they are more concealing. But if handled correctly, you can acquire great wealth from the courts. I generally only leave chaos as a last resort. Hence the foot, in this case., he smiles.“ I'm not from much of a house, it's really running on its last legs. Gideon turns to Yeesha, I must say, good lady, I am feeling quite underdressed. You mentioned spare clothing, I believe?”

Posted by: Sim Apr 27 2005, 05:42 PM«

Yeesha listens to the introductions as she puts a pot of water onto the stove to boil. She walks to the next room and comes back with a leather case, the contents of which she dumps onto the table. Sorting through the various medical paraphernalia, she selects several cloth pads, a bottle of brown liquid and a couple of bandages before scooping the unwanted items back into the bag. She turns and slides the case across the floor so it nestles up against her pack. Silently, she drops the wadding into the boiling water and adds a splash of the liquid. She leaves the yellow-brown concoction seething, and turns to answer Gideon. Yes, I did… My wardrobe is in Relto, but we will depart to Kru'in from there, however, I'm sure I can find you a shirt at least while we wait. She frowns at his foot. I want to see to that wound before anything else. She takes down a large pot from a high shelf and rinses the dust from it before filling it with cold water from the pump. She pulls a stool to the middle of the room, near to the door and motions for him to sit. Cross your legs, and hold it over the cold water She explains, moving the pot into position. “We will get this desert dust off, then cleanse it thoroughly before I bandage it again… How old is this wound?GÇ¥”

Posted by: erichenry Apr 27 2005, 06:11 PM«

Seeing no immediate threat and that Gideon is known to Yeesha, Arenea relaxes and takes one of the pastries Yeesha had indicated. Eating in silence, she seems to draw back in on herself and becomes even more mouse-like.

Posted by: Curufea Apr 28 2005, 09:02 AM«

Gideon politely does as Yeesha instructs. At times he almost appears to be laying on the attitude and behaviour of a gentleman a little thick, possibly as a defense mechanism, or possibly to impress. This impalement, Miss Yeesha, is about twelve hours old. One of the servants was overenthusiastic with a crossbow when I stretched the boundaries of guest behaviour with his master.

Posted by: Sim Apr 28 2005, 05:52 PM«

Yeesha raises an eyebrow and sets to work. She first rinses the whole foot and discards the muddy water. She pours the contents of her brew in and adds a few pumps of cold water. She then tends to the wound, using the cloth pads to gently but firmly scrub away the dried blood around the area. The bruising isn't too bad, but I'd like to check that all the bones are still in place. That might hurt quite a bit. She runs her fingers over the foot, chewing her bottom lip as she applies firm pressure on the areas around the wound. Nothing serious… tendon and muscle damage, and the obvious hole through the tissue. She takes a hot rag and dumps it on top of his foot, holding the limb over the pot again. She seems distracted for a moment, then turns to Reyn. Can you do me a favour and pack those bags full of everything in that cupboard? I don't know how long it will be before we will get provisions. She points to a couple of small leather bags with a complicated set of buckled straps attached. The cupboard she gestures towards is merely another curtained alcove in the wall of the cave. She looks to Arenea and points to the alcove on the left. It has a dampened cloth covering it. Moisture seems to be seeping from a fissure in the wall, enough to keep the cloth damp, but none left to drip to the floor. Would you please fill those skins with the tea from the other cupboard? The water has been boiled, so it's safe to drink. She turns back to Gideon and picks up the last cloth from the hot water. She looks up at him. Now this is probably going to hurt a real lot. Quickly, she brings up the second cloth to the bottom of his foot and squeezes them together. The pungent liquid flows from between her fingers. She is fascinated by it. That's healing very quickly for a 12 hour injury… Look, I'll just strap it, no splint. I don't think it will take more than a few days to heal at this rate. She sets to work drying and bandaging. Then she once again strides into the adjoining room and comes back with a linen shirt, a pair of drawstring pants, and a wooden staff. I use these when I go walking in Haven. They belonged to my Brother. The Mangrees don't freak out as much if I wear them. They can tell, it's uncanny. She hands him the clothes, and gestures back into the next room before rushing out the door, and across the drawbridge and through a door on the other side.

Posted by: theseus May 1 2005, 03:54 AM«

Yeesha's story is continued in 008 Outside the Cleft…

Posted by: Reyn May 1 2005, 08:08 AM«

As Yeesha rushes out Reyn puts a hand out to touch Gideon's shoulder, ignoring Yeesha's instructions for the moment. One thing Gideon, before you go and get dressed. If you were having any thoughts of rejoining whoever your last dalliance was with after all this is done, don't. If you do you'll be dead by morning. Oh, you'll have a smile on your face for sure, but you'll still be just as dead. Warning given, Reyn releases Gideon's shoulder and turns to make his way to the cupboard indicated by Yeesha as holding the provisions for their trip.

Posted by: erichenry May 1 2005, 10:49 AM«

Arenea watches the exchange between Reyn and Gideon, her eyes narrowed in thought. As Reyn moves over to the cupboard, Arenea finishes her pastry and gets up and joins him. She starts helping him pack the provisions into the bags. GǣLord ReyGǪGǥ she starts to whisper before catching herself. GǣReynGǥ she continues, obviously correcting herself, GǣI am under instructions to place myself completely at your disposal and therefore it is not my place to question your actions. However, I would appreciate knowing if there is something going on between yourself and Gideon of which I need to be awareGǥ.

Posted by: Reyn May 1 2005, 07:45 PM«

Reyn pauses in his opening of the cupboard, blinks, and then blinks again as a puzzled expression crosses his face. Ohhh. He says after a moment. “You think that… No, nothing of the sort Arenea. In fact I've never met Gideon before today and have no idea who he really is. It's just that whoever he thinks he was last sharing his bed with is, he's probably quite wrong as to the ladies parentage.” Reyn turns and moves towards Gideon, displaying no qualms about speaking about him as if he couldn't hear every word. You see this mark?“ As Reyn says this he points to a red pinprick on Gideon's chest. “Now I may be mistaken but I'm sure that this is actually the bite of a succubus demon. It's just the sort of mark made by the small pincers and suckers in their mouth they extrude to pierce the skin and suck out the man's life force during sex. I've seen this sort of thing before in some of the people I've been hired to protect.”

Posted by: Curufea May 2 2005, 08:57 AM«

Gideon grimaces slightly through Yeesha's ministrations before looking up sharply at Reyn. That would explain much…, he says.” He watches Yeesha leave, and uses the time to gather his thoughts. But surely a demon would not be working against other demons, would it? Do you know much of demons, Mr Reyn?

Posted by: Reyn May 2 2005, 02:33 PM«

Just Reyn. Reyn automatically corrects while starting to pack the bag identified by Yeesha before she left, “It's a first name. My surname could be considered 'Anvan', although my House name really takes precedence that would be 'Tassadar'.” As for demons, I know quite a few, and count some amongst my friends. In the Courts however they usually carry out the agenda of their sponsoring House, and have been sorely used over the centuries as disposable pawns in the great games played by the Houses in Court. The sour note in his voice makes it clear where Reyn stands on this particular topic.“ So, if these demons were in employ of different houses they could work against one another - of if you were in Shadow at the time they may be nothing more than intelligent animals. Stopping packing for a moment Reyn turns to look at Gideon as he asks his next question. “Have you pissed off any of the Houses recently Gideon? Other than 'overstepping the bounds of a guest' I mean?”

Posted by: Curufea May 2 2005, 02:51 PM«

Not as far as I know, Lord Reyn, says Gideon.” He pauses. However, I may have annoyed some unknowingly. They may even have cursed me - as I do seem to be suffering from an unfair quantity of bad luck these days. Do you know of some sage or wisewoman versed in these things that could help me?

Posted by: Reyn May 2 2005, 03:52 PM«

With a slight emphasis on the first word Reyn repeats Just … Reyn, please. What we're doing is far too important to concern ourselves with rank or title.“ Reyn goes back to packing the rest of the provisions, clearly anxious to be ready to leave once Yeesha returns. Not within easy access, no. My House aren't as well known as some in those arts, but I do know one Lady who is quite well-versed in them, the Lady Marian Jesby. Perhaps once our immediate problem is solved we will be able to visit her.” I rather think her son will be involved in this at some point anyway, whether he wants to be or not.

Posted by: erichenry May 2 2005, 06:08 PM«

Arenea continues to pack as Reyn explains things to Gideon. When he mentions Lady Marian Jesby, she stops and looks up, cocking her head to one side. When Reyn mentions her son, a look of uncertainty crosses her face. GÇ£Um, do you really think thatGÇÖs likely?GÇ¥ she asks uncertainly.

Posted by: Reyn May 3 2005, 09:20 AM«

Reyn shrugs, his body language saying 'no' but something in his eyes disagreeing with his own reaction. Let's just say that I wouldn't be surprised if he showed up somewhere along the line. There have been far too many coincidences already in all of this, and his painting was spot on the money when it came to the Serpent.“ With a wry smile to Arenea, Reyn adds, It's just a feeling I have I guess, but as I've already said my House isn't known for its prescient capabilities, so take that as you will.”

Posted by: Curufea May 3 2005, 09:36 AM«

Gideon tentatively tests the dressing on his foot with a few steps around the room. He then takes the clothes into the next room that Yeesha had indicated and sets about changing out of his travel-stained trousers into the shirt and pants. The staff Yeesha provided being a great prop to take weight off his injured foot. Now more of an inconvenience as he is relaxed, and not running on adrenaline.

Posted by: erichenry May 3 2005, 05:56 PM«

Once Gideon has left the room, Arenea asks Reyn GÇ£From the way you are treating him, should I take it as read that Gideon is to be part of this expedition? I suppose what IGÇÖm really asking is whether I should share the information I have for you and Yeesha with him when Yeesha gets back?GÇ¥

Posted by: Reyn May 3 2005, 06:39 PM«

Reyn shrugs once more, stops, and then frowns at himself for the action. That is becoming a far too common reaction for my own liking. You know Arenea, usually I demand a full dossier before taking on a job, I hate not knowing what I'm up against.“ Yeesha mentioned that there were several people she contacted through the 'dreamscape' and that we were all gathering here to work on this problem. Since she brought Gideon into her home I assumed he was one of those. When she talked in front of him about packing for our journey that assumption was confirmed. Lowering his voice a little and taking a step closer to Arenea he adds, However, I leave up to your discretion as to how much of any information to divulge that would be considered sensitive to either of our Houses. You're clearly a professional, I'm sure you'll know what to do.”

Posted by: theseus May 4 2005, 07:47 AM«

Continued from 008 Outside the Cleft… Yeesha returns, followed closely by a graceful blonde woman, who seems rather pale at the moment…

Posted by: Reyn May 4 2005, 08:53 AM«

Reyn's casual glance at the newcomer becomes a slightly more curious one as she stops to take in the inside of home in the cleft. Turning to look directly at Arenea his eyes are as hard as flint. Raising his voice, Reyn directing his comments into the next room. Gideon? I think that good friend of yours we were just talking about has arrived. Better clean yourself up before coming out.“

Posted by: Curufea May 4 2005, 11:57 AM«

Gideon enters the room, wearing a shirt, drawstring pants and holding a staff. He regards Anna with a half smile. Reyn, may I introduce The Lady Anna, my good, and if I may add, close friend who helped me earlier with some other demons close on our heels. He turns to Anna. Lady Anna, this is Reyn, who does not like titles. A man of respectable knowledge, he says.”

Posted by: theseus May 4 2005, 01:28 PM«

GÇ£ItGÇÖs a good thing then, that I just pretend to have a title when I want to be invited to parties,GÇ¥ Anna says. Anna scrutinises Reyn closely. GÇ£You donGÇÖt look like a demon though,GÇ¥ she says. GÇ£You are too handsomeGǪGÇ¥

Posted by: Curufea May 4 2005, 01:35 PM«

From what I hear, says Gideon, “handsome is, as handsome does. Beauty in the eye of the beholder and all that…”

Posted by: Reyn May 4 2005, 01:57 PM«

Reyn raises an eyebrow at Anna's comment, the irony of it not lost on him at all, As I was just mentioning before your arrival m'lady, I've worked with many and number some amongst my dearest friends but no, I am not a demon per se.“ I somewhat doubt however, Reyn continues, “That this is quite the party you may have been hoping it was. May I ask why you are here?”

Posted by: theseus May 4 2005, 04:16 PM«

She nods. GÇ£I was worried about Lord VerenceGÇÖs safety. As soon as he disappeared through the tapestry, the demons stopped chasing me. They paused for a few moments, and then headed purposefully in a different direction. I was worried they had somehow managed to pick up Lord Verence's scent again GǪ and I wanted to warn him.GÇ¥

Posted by: erichenry May 4 2005, 06:27 PM«

Arenea remains quiet and gradually moves so she is standing a point of the room where Anna is between her and Reyn.

Posted by: Sim May 4 2005, 11:32 PM«

Yeesha packs the uneaten chor bankh into a box and shoves it into her pack, along with all the other assortments she's thrown at it in the last hour. Hefting it onto the kitchen table, she attaches the bag of food using the buckles, and slips the straps over her shoulders. Turning around to face the table again, she fixes the water skin to holes in the front of the straps. They shouldn't be able to get through, and if they do the Bahro will take care of them… But it's time we got moving anyway. They are waiting for us. Without waiting for a reply she scoops up the book from the table, heads out the door and down the newly constructed ladder to the floor of the cleft.

Posted by: Reyn May 5 2005, 08:51 AM«

Silence descends on the home in the cleft as Yeesha breezes out, seemingly oblivious to the rising tension between the other players in this little drama. Reyn stands beside Gideon facing Anna, Arenea positioned carefully behind her and between her and the doorway. In the pause Reyn leans slightly towards Gideon, Reyn's arm brushing up against his. Gideon hears a small voice in his head, similar to Reyn's speaking voice but somehow softer. *It's your call. Decide.*

Posted by: Curufea May 5 2005, 01:51 PM«

Gideon raises an eyebrow at Reyn, more from surprise at the form of communication, rather than its content. Idly he scratches his chest. *It's often best to give the benefit of the doubt to new or potential allies*, he smiles wryly in self mocking. *I will help watch her, and I presume you and Arenea will be watching both of us*, his thoughts conclude concisely. I appreciate your concern, LGǪ Anna. And no doubt I will be followed by demons wherever I go. The chase should keep me on my toes. Will you come with us? I fear you will be harshly judged in your actions, unless your allegiances can be ascertained. But in my books, you have helped me, and for that I owe you, says Gideon, as he scratches his chest again.” But, … Anna .. , you can drop my pseudonym as well. Call me Gideon, if it pleases you.

Posted by: theseus May 5 2005, 02:50 PM«

GÇ£GideonGǪGÇ¥ Anna says. GÇ£Very well. I donGÇÖt know why IGÇÖm under suspicion exactly, but I will travel with you for a whileGǪGÇ¥ She looks to where Yeesha just departed. GÇ£She seems rather awkward and bossy donGÇÖt you think? If you wish to catch up to her, perhaps we should hurryGǪ I assume the direction we are heading in is an interesting oneGǪGÇ¥ With that she turns, following YeeshaGÇÖs leadGǪ

Posted by: Curufea May 5 2005, 03:24 PM«

Gideon rushes after her, trusting the others to bring up the rear.

Posted by: Reyn May 5 2005, 03:38 PM«

Shaking his head slightly Reyn picks up the provisions bag he packed and follows the other three out. As he passes Arenea he mutters, This lot are going to save the multiverse then, the Serpent is in more trouble than she realises.“

Posted by: erichenry May 5 2005, 05:48 PM«

Arenea picks up her own backpack and follows Reyn. As she leaves the hut, she pulls up the hood of her cloak to shade her face and wraps the cloak about herself to shield her pale skin against the harsh desert sun. Catching up to Reyn, she murmurs GÇ£I suspect you may be right. I did not realise until arriving here that the somewhat vague request made to me by Yeesha and the mission given to me by my House were one and the same. Still my instructions on that are fairly clear. I am to help you secure the Sign of Chaos and turn it over to you. What you do with it at that point is up to you.GÇ¥

Posted by: Sim May 5 2005, 07:11 PM«

Yeesha waits in the shadows of the Chasm's floor. She is standing next to a tree that appears to be growing out from within the rock face. She runs her gaze over the assembled group, then turns to the tree. There is a carving in the trunk, a stylised palm print with a spiral painted below five digits. She places her palm over the carving, and the tree splits open, revealing a dark cavern beyond. She turns to the others. Last one through, please hit the blue button inside the door. It will seal behind us, and no one will be able to follow.” She gives them an excited smile and ducks through the doorway into the blackness beyond.

Posted by: Curufea May 5 2005, 07:28 PM«

Gideon, always eager to be on the move, follows.

Posted by: Reyn May 6 2005, 08:19 AM«

Reyn allows Anna to follow Gideon into the passageway inside the tree and then steps in behind her allowing Arenea to bring up the rear. A wry smile plays across his face as he steps into the darkness, although no comment is made as to why.

Posted by: erichenry May 6 2005, 09:39 AM«

Arenea follows Reyn through the opening and then presses the button indicated by Yeesha to close and seal the door.

Posted by: Sim May 6 2005, 01:28 PM«

Yeesha shuffles up the tunnel creating a lot more noise than usual. Around the first bend, a primitive painting luminesces a soft blue glow. Enough to see the smooth cave floor. This is the break-through point. This is where my great-grandparents met. Yeesha steps into a large cavern, its depth plunging beneath them. It is lit with many of the gowing paintings. The simple lines depicting strange creatures painted with some kind of phosphor. She makes her way across a natural stone bridge to the top of a boulder in the centre of the cavern. She closes a book that rests on the top of a stone outcrop, and places it to one side. The title Bevin“ is inlaid into the leather cover and gilded.” I really must find a better way to store all these… She mutters to herself as she places the book on a pile that sits next to the stone.“ Carefully she opens the book from the kitchen and lays it on the rock. The title page contains a picture of a forest clearing form a birds eye view. It reels and spins around the scene, the fallen pillars seeming the focus. She then turns to address the group. This is probably a good time for some dramatic speech, but I don't really have one. All I want to do is stop the destruction of the universe. We all seem to be bringing different talents and skills to this, I'd say that whoever is orchestrating this has chosen wisely.” This is a good place to talk. We will not be disturbed, however, there are three others waiting for us to link through… She points to the book.“ I will be linking through last, as is my duty. I would not want anyone to come to a grizzly demise before our adventure has even begun. Her gaze shifts to the shadows around the edge of the cavern. So, I leave it up to you, is there anything that needs to be settled between us, or shall we wait until everyone is in the clearing?

Posted by: Reyn May 6 2005, 01:38 PM«

I don't think any one of us are ready to speak for all of us … yet, states Reyn, “but I for one would prefer to get started. Open the link Yeesha, I'll step through.” Action befitting words Reyn shoulders the pack he is carrying and places his hand on where the hilt of his sword would normally lie at his waist. A moments futile groping is followed by an embarrassed grin. I should remember that I don't have that sword any more. Oh well.”

Posted by: Sim May 6 2005, 01:42 PM«

Well then, just put your hand over the picture, and you will link through.

Posted by: theseus May 6 2005, 01:49 PM«

Reyn touches his hand to the book, and links through. Reyn continues in 010 The Clearing II…

Posted by: Curufea May 6 2005, 09:34 PM«

The raised eyebrow almost announces the entrance of Gideon. Destruction of the universe eh? Well, my day can't get any more strange, he says.“ A curt bow at Yeesha in acknowledgement of the power she has over him, before he too places his hand forth, wondering if it will be the same as the tapestry.

The Clearing
