Table of Contents


GM Roles and Responsibilities

GMs will be in one or more of the following categories and listed on the website with contact information:

Participation: Marshals cannot play in games except as specific NPCs that won't interfere with their GMing duties throughout the session. Other GM types can participate, but should not be in leadership roles that may be affected by out-of-game knowledge.

Key philosophies of these rules


General Advice

  1. Don't piss off your players
  2. If anyone is making a game less fun for anyone else - always call them out on it. Privately first, before escalating


Each Month
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4
New Player Training Warband individual training depending on warband Alternately RP and NRP Game Session

Game Sessions

Normal session timeline for a game

  1. Setup
  2. Briefing
  3. Game
  4. Debriefing
  5. Takedown





  1. GM Debriefing
    • Game GMs get together with all GMs and game outcomes are discussed - including what happened in the end of the game, if this will have immediate effects in the story and any awards for players
  2. Player Debriefing
    • GMs relay outcome of the game
    • Awards are presented
    • Feedback is gathered


Gear and equipment is searched for, gathered, and packed away