Table of Contents

Fiendish Creation Rules


Revealing the encounter cards for a room that displays the words “Fiendish Creation” will tell you the following things about the type of creation-

Turn Sequence

  1. Reveal cards
  2. Name it (you have 30 seconds)
  3. Place the creation

Once creations are in play, they move each turn after all players have moved. They always move towards the nearest villager, if given a choice - the player who revealed these creations chooses.

Difficulty Levels

Naming Rules

The names of fiendish creations should match what they can do, and what type of evil tyrant the villagers are facing. The player that reveals the card has 30 seconds in which to name it - the other players will be judging the time and the quality of the name.

Advantage Bonus

The player receives a morale counter.

Placement Bonus

The player may put the counter(s) for the creation where they like in the room. All the counters must be in contact with each other.

Types of Creation

Characteristic Specialisations

If the characteristic of the defender is equal or less than the level of the Creation (0/1/2) then +1 damage is caused. The characteristic that is looked at is based on the type of Evil Tyrant:

Special Powers

Which power a Boss has is based on the letter shown on the level card.