Map Tiles

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Empty Hex An empty hex, can be moved through by anyone. The letter and number are the coordinates of the hex and used with a player's location dial to secretly track the location of their thief
Wall A wall, cannot be moved through by anyone
Patrol Route The green line denotes the Patrol Route travelled by a Patrolling Guard
Shield Green shield marks one end of the Patrol Route for a Patrolling Guard. When the guard reaches this hex, it turns around and faces back towards the Patrol Route. Next Guards Movement Phase it travels back towards the star.
Spear The green star marks the start of the Patrol Route for a Patrolling Guard. When the guard reaches this hex after travelling to the shield and back, it turns around and faces back towards the Patrol Route. Next Guards Movement Phase it travels back towards the shield.
Special Hex A special hex represents a locked door or a hard to reach area. Guards may move through them freely, but a thief can only enter the hex with a Rope Arrow Thief Card or by playing the Lockpicks Guard Card while on this map tile in a previous Players Movement Phase
The location of the Stationary Guard. Each Guards Movement Phase rotate the guard one hex side clockwise
The route followed by a Wandering Guard. Each Guards Movement Phase the guard moves one hex in the direction of the arrow, then turns to face the direction of the arrow in the hex it is now in
One of the starting locations of a Wandering Guard. Roll a die when setting up the game to determine where on its route the guard starts