Table of Contents

The Doom that Came to Sandford

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Version 0.2




Defend the village from the hordes of monsters bent on raiding its resources.


Number of Players

1 - 4




Every player chooses a pawn to represent their hero. If you are playing solo, choose two heroes.

Every hero starts with no skills (see Skills for a full explanation). Each of these rings is earned only by killing monsters and they are only placed on your pawn after a wave has finished in the Repair, Rebuild and Recuperate! phase.

Every hero has 2 hit points (HP). They can take two damage before being killed. When your hero is down to 1 HP, place it lying on the ground to remind everyone you are about to die. See Hit Points for a full explanation.

Every hero starts with a basic weapon that does 1 damage when you attack. Heroes cannot use magic until they get at least one mage specialisation.


  1. Place all the shop stock dice (the larger dice that are coloured black, blue, red or white) in the brown felt bag.
  2. Draw four random dice from the bag and roll them. Where they land is where the buildings of the village should be placed, so you should roll them fairly far apart if you want room in the centre for the temple.
  3. Put one of the building cards under each die such that it doesn't touch another building.
    • Keep in mind that during the Defend the Village! phase, heroes cannot enter buildings as they are boarded up - and you may need to move between them.
    • If dice are too close together, you can place a building under more than one die. In which case you will have one or more empty buildings to place as you see fit. All four buildings must be placed.
  4. Place the temple (the circular card with the spinner) in the village.
    • It's best to place it in the centre if you are able, so it gets some protection from the surrounding buildings.
  5. Place the d20 on the temple showing the number 20, such that it doesn't interfere with the spinner. This is the health of the temple.

Starting the Game

The game starts with The Heroes Arrive! phase. Where 2-4 stalwart heroes arrive to defend the village from the encroaching hordes of monsters. The players have one turn (2 minutes) to buy equipment in the village before the first wave arrives.

Ending the Game

The game is over with the heroes all losing-

The heroes win if all the waves of monsters are defeated.

The Phases

  1. The Heroes Arrive!
  2. The Invasion!
    1. The Next Wave Approaches!
    2. Defend the Village!
    3. Repair, Rebuild and Recuperate!

The Heroes Arrive!

From the wastelands they wander, destiny gathering them in one place. The one location where their presence can make a difference and to perhaps halt the progress of the evil hordes that wish to devastate the land.

For each hero

Spin the spinner on the temple and roll two combat dice. From the temple, measure that many inches away. This is where your hero starts, place your pawn there.

Once all heroes have been placed, start the timer.


A move is only possible if you hold the tape measure. There is only one tape measure.

If you are not paying solo, you must pass it to another player after each move. You may pass it to any other player, even the one that passed it to you.


You can only perform one action after a move. If you want to perform another action, you must wait until you are again handed the tape measure. If playing solo, a hero can only do another action after your other hero has moved and had an action

The Invasion!

Repeat the next three phases until either a losing condition has been met, or six waves of monsters have been defeated (see Ending the Game)

The Next Wave Approaches!

From out of the mists they come. From the forests, from the swamps. From the mountains and the plains. They come, the unending tide of woe

There are six waves of monsters to be defeated.

  1. Place the black die that shows numbers instead of dots on the temple to indicate which wave this is.
    • The wave die also indicates how much damage a monster causes when it attacks.
  2. Take one monster die of each colour and roll them.
    • On a 1 to 4, that many monsters of that type Wil be in the wave.
    • Higher than 4, that type of monster is not appearing in the wave.
  3. Gather all the correct numbers of monster type dice together.
  4. Add any captured shop stock dice to this group.
  5. Spin the spinner.
  6. Roll two combat dice. The monsters will appear this many inches away from the furthest building.
  7. Roll all the gathered monster dice away from the temple in the direction of the spinner.
    • If any dice come closer to a building than the sum of the combat dice, move them back.
    • If any dice are further than 12 inches away from a building, move them closer.

Defend the Village!

Lo do we see the horde! Bolt up thine windows, bar the door! Death comes hither!

Players and monsters now alternate turns until there are no monsters left, or a losing condition has been met (see Ending the Game)

Players turn

As the previous phase, a timer is used and the players may do as many moves and actions as they can fit in.


All building and the temple are now closed and barred.


Heroes may now do one of the following actions -

If your hero kills a monster, take that die and put it in front of you. It is spent in the next phase.

Monsters turn

After the two minutes is over, it's the monsters turn.

  1. Starting with the monster closest to the temple, each monster moves and has an action until thru all have.
    • Monsters are not timed and used programmed movement.
    • All monsters move 4 inches, except green monsters that move twice in the turn.
    • Monsters always move towards the closest target, either building, temple our hero, whichever is closer.
    • If a monster is already touching a target before it takes a move, it stays where it is.
    • A razed building is never a target.
  2. If a monster is touching a target, it will do one of the following -
    • Temple - inflict wave die damage on the temple (reduce the number on the d20) and then disappear.
    • Building - The monster disappears and -
      • If the building is empty, it is now razed. Place a blank dice on it.
      • If the building has stock dice on it, remove one and place it to the side, it will be an extra monster for the next wave.
    • Hero - The monster causes wave die damage to the hero. See Hit Points for a full explanation.

Repair, Rebuild and Recuperate!

A respite, huzzah!

  1. Clean reinforcements. Remove any shop store dice that were mixed in with the monster dice and put them back in the bag. If a player had killed that monster, replace it with a monster die instead.
  2. Replenish the shops. Draw as many dice from the bag as their are unrazed buildings, roll them and place one on each building.
    • If there are not enough dice for this, randomly determine which buildings get them.
  3. Start the timer. Players have another two minutes before the next wave approaches.


All buildings and the temple are again open and can be moved into or through.


Heroes may now do one of the following actions -

After the timer runs out, all unspent monster dice in front of players are returned to the pool of monster dice and the phase finishes. start the next The Next Wave Approaches! phase.


This section gives more details on the rules used in the game



Hit Points

Hit points are an abstraction of damage taken by a hero in combat. Heroes only have two hit points, and if they are both lost, the hero is dead and out of the game. There are several things that mitigate hit point damage.


Skills are similar to classes and levels in some roleplaying games. Represented with a coloured ring bought with slain monsters during the Repair, Rebuild and Recuperate! phase.


Ring colour: Black

For each ring, the hero may reroll their armour (if they have armour) when attacked by a monster.


Ring colour: Blue

With this skill, the hero may use magic equipment instead of a weapon for attacks. Magic attacks ignore monster armour (red die), but are less effective against enchanted monsters (blue die).

For each ring, the range of the magic attack is increased by 4 inches.


Ring colour: Red

For each ring, the hero may reroll their attack when attacking a monster. This includes attacks with weapons or magic.


Ring colour: White

With this skill the hero is able to heal 1 HP of another hero. They cannot heal themselves or another hero past their initial 2 HP.

For each ring, the range of the healing is increased by 4 inches.


Optional Rules