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25/10/2012 9:25:33 PM

Delta's Modules


by delta_angelfire»

I just thought I'd share some of the things I've been thinking of testing on my players. I'm nowhere close to a professional artist, but I'll post a little something to show off for each of my inspired creations (Thanks to the Siadeks for such a great game)! Some of them I just posted the general layout for and will probably finish something for them soon 🙂

First, some of the ideas that I got from the thread on size 4 ships:


For the small business and pleasure craft owner, combining hyperdrive and sublight control in a single module allows extra space in a skiff for either passengers (for a family getaway perhaps?) or cargo (for the up and coming entrepreneur.) The compactness of the module leaves something to be desired in terms of sheer power, but is good for those who won't be seeking out combat. Even the best pilot will have trouble doing complex maneuvers in it, so it's not recommended for ships larger than size 5, as the lack of a co-pilot seat will force all assistance to be remote.

or an EAME)

Twin Plasma Propulsion Drive (TPPD)

The Twin Plasma Propulsion Drive (Twin Drive or TPPD for short) Helps give a little extra oomph“ to smaller vessels. It's unstable nature however requires ample hull access for the massive heat sinks. It's difficult installation and volatile nature usually makes shipyards unwilling to put this on vessels larger than size 5, and if they do, it doesn't come with a warranty.”

fire in itself

Basic Operations

Like the AstroNav, this module doesn't offer much in terms of power, but gives the pilot some small measure of defense by way of a mini-cannon.

»www.curufea.com_wikka_uploads_bbattlestationsso31a_module_science_operations.jpg_title_science_operations_width_100 »”

Science Operations

A highly specialized module, once again mostly for smaller ships whose geometry allows it to be installed. Like all other combo modules, basic actions are possible, but more difficult.

»www.curufea.com_wikka_uploads_bbattlestationsso31a_module_shuttle_operations.jpg_title_shuttle_operations_width_100 »“

Shuttle Operations

More Helm room makes this one slightly easier easier to control since it easier on a copilot.

———- I also had some modules I personally found enjoyable:

Deflector Array

The Deflector Array gives new meaning to the word shields“. The Deflector Array can act as a secondary shield generator if something should happen to the science bay, and can change shield geometry to minimize damage from nearly any enemy attack. Deflectors have no effect on enemy fighters in the same hex.”

The Deflector may be reconfigured with an Engineering check of 11. It no longer will generate shields of any kind, but may now perform the following actions:

»www.curufea.com_wikka_uploads_bbattlestationsso31a_module_gravitic_shockwave_generator.jpg_title_gravitic_shockwave_generator_width_100 »“

Gravitic Shockwave Generator

The Shockwave” harness the entire ship as a weapon to attack an area centered on itself.“

»www.curufea.com_wikka_uploads_bbattlestationsso31a_module_comm_array.jpg_title_comm_array_width_100 »”

Comm Array

The high-powered communications array is the hacker's and cautious man's best friend. While all ships come with standard communication equipment, the Comm Array can overwhelm enemy systems and enhance remotely controlled operations.

»www.curufea.com_wikka_uploads_bbattlestationsso31a_module_generator..jpg_title_plasma_fusion_generator_width_100 »“

Plasma Fusion Generator

The plasma fusion generator is for those willing to give up a little safety for the siren call of sheer power. It functions much like an engine, but with the following restrictions:

»www.curufea.com_wikka_uploads_bbattlestationsso31amodule_boarding_cone.jpg_title_boarding_cone_width_100 »”

Boarding Cone

Several pirate ships have recently been turning to these to make up for lack of good scientists turning to a life of privacy. Why hack a door when you can make your own?

Both modules effectively occupy the same space. Anyone in the Boarding Cone may move from the 1, 2, or 3 space on the cone to an adjacent square on the attacked module.

spamemail files
