Table of Contents

Ali Rouge

Lieutenant (Rank 3)


Target #: 8
Base Hit Points: 4
# of Hands: 2
Move: 3
Profession: Marine
Species: Human
Alien Ability: Willpower. Humans may reroll both professional skill check dice (as opposed to only one).


Hit Points: 11 (Athletics+Base+Rank)
Luck: N/A
Athletics: 3 (Carry Capacity: 30)
Combat: 4
Engineering: 1
Piloting: 1
Science: 1
Experience: N/A
Prestige: N/A
Credits: N/A


Toolkit: [energy] Mass 5 +1 to Engineering when repairing, upgrading a module or reconfiguring the Cannon.
Blast Pistol: [energy] Mass 4 Damage 2D6-2
Armour: Mass 10 Reduces damage by 1. (Stored in Life Support)

Special Abilities

N/A s