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Pax Galacticum Rules Changes

States of Being

Notes: Incapacitated a character that is incapacitated has their Target number reduced by 3.


The amount the athletics roll is failed by is the amount of stun markers received. Stun markers are now removed at the end of each phase (instead of round). If your square is moved through, remove a stun marker. If damaged, affected by any weapon or grappled, all stun markers are removed. Bots can be stunned.

Plasma Fires

Damaging the ship

Collisions no longer cause OOC. However any damage roll not stopped by shields that is a 4,5,6 causes 1 OOC - even if the damage is only hull damage from when the hit allocation misses the ship.

Carrying the fallen

Unattended Ships

On rescue missions, heroes may spend 2 luck to reroll hull dice for remote ships until boarded.

Ranged Weapons

Because missions may now include planetside combat, the ranges that a missile weapon can reach has become a factor. In general the maximum range of a weapon is 100 squares. There is now also a penalty of -1 to combat skill for every 10 squares of range after the first 10. This can be applied onboard a starship as well for particularly long corridor sections