Table of Contents

Design Specs for Advanced Users

The Book of the War Obviously The Book of the War isn't meant to be read in a linear order: it's part of the book's design that no two people are likely to start in exactly the same place, and that every reader is therefore going to have his or her own ideas about which bits are the important bits. But - As anyone who's seen the Book will know, entries are linked by titles in bold face, so that it's possible to navigate“ from one part of the story to another just by following up a particular name or phrase. And the truth is that there's a secret pathway running through the whole volume, a way of reading the complete story by moving from link to link without ever arriving at the same entry twice. (With one exception. There's a single entry which isn't connected to anything else, but never mind that now.) If you know the pathway then it's possible “to read the book normally”, i.e. from “start” to “finish”.

Those of you who don't know The Book of the War should, of course, ignore all of this: if ever you get round to reading it, there's no reason to make things less interesting by sticking to the original” running order. But if you're already familiar with the book, then here's what it'd look like if it were taken apart and laid out in a straight line…“

The Core Entries

Spiral Politic; Great Houses; House Military;
Celestis; Faction Paradox; Remote; Lesser Species; Yssgaroth

The History of Faction Paradox

The History of Earth

The A - Z of the War

Houses and Orders

The History of the Homeworld

The History of Posthumanity

The Academician's Story

The Non-History of the Celestis

The Shift's Story

The City of the Saved

The Impaler's Story

The Thirteen-Day Republic


The Ghost Dance

The History of the Remote

Faction Hollywood

The End


There is, almost certainly, at least one mistake in this listing.