Table of Contents

Ideas so far

From email-

We have all the tools necessary - I regard it as something akin to
the character ownership/traits of Univeralis mixed with the challenge
mechanic of Baron Munchausen and the sentence/trouble/stones mechanics of
Do. What we also have is the wonderful TVTropes wiki if we use any of those
genres and adapt the tropes to audio.

Peter Cobcroft 2012/06/27 22:13

Concepts to implement

These are ideas that we can turn into rules for the game that are either neat, thematic or will improve the overall fun, or listenability of the final radio play


Ideas of what to possibly include when seting up a radioplay:

Genre, Style, Narrator, Setting, Character Limits, Episode Arc(s), Series Arc(s), Character Arc(s), Cliff hangers, Running Gags, Catch Phrases, Tropes, Gimmicks, Theme Music, Sound Effect Limits, Acceptable Accents, ..Ism Limits, Rating, Minimum Monologue Quota, Episode Length, Editorial Control, Name, Voice Cast, Number of Acts, Subplot(s), Main Plot(s), Climax, Denoument

Character Ideas