====== Test of Form ====== ^ Go back to [[character sheet]] ^
Action script character_sheet_test.php Thanks "Thanks for submitting your valuable data. It should now appear on this character sheet. Except for photos" labels mylabels Fieldset "Left Column" Textbox "name" Textbox "character" Textbox "species" "=Human" Textbox "title" ! Textbox "hair" "=Natural" Textbox "eye" "=Natural" Textbox "skin" "=Natural" Textbox "class" Textbox "magic" ! Fieldset "Right Column" select "faction" "The Clans|The Empire|Greyscales|The Horde|The Wardens" Textbox "warband" number "marx" "=0" >-1 <999 Fieldset "Character Sheet Size" number "width" "=530" >0 <4000 Fieldset "Character photo (not yet functional)" file "photo" ! Fieldset "Confirm Form" submit "Submit"