====== The Setting ====== ===== Races ===== * [[.:races:start]] ===== Languages===== To give cultures and races a bit of individual character, their languages are based on real world (albeit in some cases no longer commonly used) languages for names * Brondheimian, Dwarvish = Norse * Darian, Ambrian = Anglosaxon * Irolan = Gothic * Elvish, High and Elvish, Dark = Quenya * Elvish, Common = Sindarin * Kartaran, High = Japanese * Kartaran, Common = Mandarin * Zylistani, High = Persian * Zylistani, Common = Yiddish For further information see [[.:languages:start]] ===== Nations===== * [[.:nation:Ambria]] * [[.:nation:Brondheim]] * [[.:nation:Choon]] * [[.:nation:Daria]] * [[.:nation:Dornica]] * [[.:nation:Duchy of Irolo]] * [[.:nation:Horse Wilds]] * [[.:nation:Kartar]] * [[.:nation:Talarak]] * [[.:nation:Zylistan]]