======Other Clues====== * The rifle from the Crimean War taken from the trophy room (murder weapon) * The hauntings around the manor up until the seance (everyone who lives there notices). * The klikushestvo doll taken from the trophy room (allows Randolph to possess the murderer in the seance) * The burnt new will in Kaye's bedroom * The birth certificate of Felicity Carter stored in Kaye's bedroom * The marriage certificate of Kaye and Randolph stored in Kaye's bedroom * Drug paraphernalia found in Evelyn's room * Note about plants found out in the nursery * Note to Aleister about the phrases Evelyn uses * Note to Melancolia about noises from Lionel's manor while killing livestock * The marriage certificate of Lionel and Belladonna stored in Kaye's bedroom * Victor's quote on buying Lionel's manor * Note to Victor about Faust & Felicity's bodies and autopsy * Note to Gwyneth about Ortensia's theft * Note to Melancolia about Victor's grave robbing * Servant rumours about Victor's lurking * Note about stitches on Aleister's neck * Servant rumours about Aleister's indulgences * Note about being bitten by Melancolia * Note to Cain about seeing dead animals * Note to Aleister about local girls seeing dead animals * Servant rumours about gunshot heard on the moors when both Cain and Randolph were out * Servant rumours about Cain's lurking * Servant rumours about Gwyneth's gambling * Note to Aleister about money won from Gwyneth * Note about money being given to Gwyneth in Kaye's diary in bedroom =====Pre-Round 1===== * The weekend so far =====Round 1===== * Everyone finds out about their own major secrets * Everyone finds out about their own reasons for killing Kaye * Everyone except Ortensia and Gwynneth gets a version of the family tree. =====Round 2===== * Minor secret clues * How Kaye died =====Round 3===== * Major secret clues * How everyone would have killed Kaye (except for Cain and Gwynneth) =====Round 4===== * Murder clues * Everyone's guesses =====Post Round 4===== * The story of what happened {{tag>VGH}}