======Cain Dolour====== * [[VGHCharacter7Intro|Introduction]] * [[VGHCharacter7Charsheet|Character Sheet]] >**Relationship to Victim**: Farmhand / Gardener >**Age**: 55 (13 July 1831) >**Reason for killing the Victim**: Doesn't want to kill Kaye >**Secret that will damn their reputation forever**: Murdered the victim's husband (his brother) in order to woo the widow >**Likely clues to it**: A gunshot was heard out on the Moor by servants >**Minor secret that will be inconvenient**: Secret lover of the victim and father of Felicity Carter (Ortensia's mother) >**Likely clues to it**: Cain is noted to hang around the terrace near the tea rooms as he tended to climb up to the roof garden for his trysts with Kaye. >**How they would have killed the Victim**: N/A >**Likely clues to it**: >**About the others**: * Evelyn * 1 * Lionel * 2 * Ortensia * 3 Felicity Carter's Child. * Victor * 4 * Aleister * 5 * Melancolia * 6 * Gwynneth * 7 * Jeeves * 9 >**Goal**: Make sure the new will is found >**Motivation**: Obsessed with Kaye and his rights >**Personality**: Yokel and simple minded with a driven personality and ancient words >**Reference**: Reuben Starkadder + Adam Lambsbreath (Cold Comfort Farm) >**Quote**: I ha' scranleted two hundred furrows come five o' clock down i' the bute". " >**Costuming suggestions**: Lots of brown and dirty linen, overalls and messy hair. {{tag>VGH}}