======Lionel Bigglesworth Character Sheet====== ====Introduction==== She is the prettiest wild flower ever to grace the meadows of Farnsworth. Your dearest love, Evelyn the poetess. You will marry her and damn the consequences and damn any who would deny you. Damn them all! =====History===== You are 35 years old, having been born on the 12th of December 1851. Your parents ensured that you had a proper education in all things a young man should know. After your parents died tragically on the Moor you inherited the manor Rosefield" and have been suffering for it ever since." =====Your Minor Secret===== When your parents first passed on, and you were young and foolhardy - the panic that set in after discovering the family debts caused you to marry rashly for money - and that most certainly did not work out well. The marriage provided you with only enough funds to keep you from starving in the streets. You've regretted it ever since and never talk about it. Before you met Evelyn, you had been in secret negotiation with a number of well-to-do but discreet gentleman from the area concerning the selling of your manor. It has been nothing but a sink to poor money into, in bad disrepair, with staff barely able to get by on the meagre sums you pay them from the poor lands you inherited. But it is the family seat, and you do not wish to sully the only thing you have left, your reputation, with a mercantile auctioning of the lands. You've even gone to the lengths of holding balls to discover who may be able to purchase the manor. ====What you know about the others==== * **Evelyn** * You met Evelyn at a Christmas ball and party you held. You remember seeing her stand out against the richly decorated background of the dining-room, the bright lights almost glinting off her smile. It was almost love at first sight, except for the problems of your first marriage which made you somewhat reluctant of a second attempt - once burned, twice shy and all that. She did eventually win your heart though as you had been so very lonely in recent years. As part of the Farnsworth legacy she may even be able to help refinance your family home. She is everything to you now. * **Ortensia** * You've only ever heard Evelyn's adoptive family refer to Ortensia, not having met her in person before. A young lady of ambition if perhaps a bit too modern in her attitudes. * **Victor Farnsworth** * A highly learned gentleman, but not very sociable. However, as the brother of Lady Kaye, he does have money. You have been in secret negotiations with Victor about the possibility of selling him Rosefield. He has expressed an interest in moving out of the Farnsworth manor and yours may be ideal for his needs. * **Aleister** * Aleister is a cad from everything your fiancee tells you. He drinks too much, he smokes far too much, and he takes far too many liberties with the female staff. You have seen him in the village, and you tend to agree. * **Melancolia** * She appears to always be out of sorts. Dark and brooding. Not your type at all. * **Sister Gwynneth** * You've not seen sister Gwynneth before - some acquaintance of Lady Kaye? * **Cain** * A farmhand. A very rough peasant type. Simple and crude. * **Jeeves** * He's the butler. He's always been there. He apparently has no life of his own and always appears to be working as efficiently as possible. You've only ever had (albeit very good) professional interactions with him. =====Quote===== I am going to marry Mademoiselle and take Mademoiselle to the moon and find a cave in one of the white valleys and Mademoiselle will live there with me forever. =====References and Costuming===== **Personality**: A serious man of middle years with his own manor and responsibilities. **Reference**: Edward Rochester (Jane Eyre), Mr Darcy (Pride and Prejudice) **Costuming suggestions**: A gentleman's suit, of good quality but slightly worn. {{tag>VGH}}