====== The Return of the Robot Race!!! ====== | Back to [[sessions]]| ---- **Setting:** [[.:planets:#colcot|Colcot]] * Scene 1: Traffic Bots * [[Xiao Ling]] and [[Jon Hector]] escaping from multiple enemy robot controlled gravcars in their own [[.:props:gravcar|stolen gravcar]], with a Robot Brain * Chase aspects of: Bright lights, Huge City and Heavy Traffic * Scene 2: [[Dirk Richter]], [[Armitage Reginald Shank, Esq.]] and [[Eric Carson]] in a cafe * Scene 3: Escape to the shuttle port * Shank shows his leadership potential. * Scene 4: Up to the orbital station * Shank, Richter and Hector trace the contact to a small worship space. A small scaly priest sadly accepts the robot brain. * Richter attracts the wrong sort of attention. * Scene 5: Robot Rampage and Mistaken Identities * Ling sends the robots the wrong signals; Richter starts a fight but doesn't finish it. * Scene 6: Rescue the Reptile * Robots swarm the station, but our heroes make it to the docking bay. * Shank proves his mettle. * Ling arranges for several quick getaways. * A glimpse of [[Koragg]]. ===== Quotes ===== * [[Jon Hector]]: Is your friend bigger than a breadbox? | Back to [[sessions]]| {{tag>"session report" "episode 1" "robot race"}}