====== The Heist! ====== The biggest heist of [[Dirk Richter|Richter's]] career, it all went off without a 7hitch. Meticulously planned, perfectly timed, he breezed past the alarms and scored the prize - but at the last, he was betrayed. Broke and on the run, one day he would get even. * [[Xiao Ling]] was running security - the betrayer alerted her to Dirk and she set the guards on him. Xiao admired Dirk's skills, and bears no hard feelings. * [[Armitage Reginald Shank, Esq.|Armitage]] saved Dirk from the bounty hunters, and recognising his innate goodness and need for redemption, recruited him to the team. * [[starblazer:eric_carson|Carson]] healed Dirk to full strength - and therefore feels some responsibility for his future actions. * [[Kaine]] spirited Richter to safety during his convalescence. {{tag>Dirk_Richter legend}}