====== Mad Science ====== //Requires Weird Science.// You are able to create devices that even a member of your culture would deem impossible, unlikely, or simply too advanced for your race’s present capabilities. Unconventional construction methods, Starships that run on brainpower, and other bizarre effects are all possible. Your Mad Science must have a theme (such as “Astraade Menin’s Psi-Tech Control System’s”), which you must define when you take this Stunt. Any Mad Science improvements you incorporate into devices must fit this theme (but with a little creativity, most concepts can fit a sufficiently flexible theme). As with the [[weird_science]], a mad scientist may collaborate with an engineer in order to help that engineer build mad sciences into his gadgets for only a single improvement allocation. Sadly, for most engineers (but perhaps happily for the rest of us!), mad scientists often don’t play well with others, so finding someone with this Stunt who is willing to collaborate is a great undertaking all by itself (and may even be a good seed for an adventure – Story Tellers, take note). {{tag>starblazer stunt science!}}