====== No Jump for You ====== **Setting:** [[starblazer:planets:#samarkand|Samarkand]] ===== Part I : Dirt nap ===== * Cops turn up to inspect the Lady Jane * Hector hides Trevor, the fusion bomb (now named) and the smuggler database * Tyler attempts to bribe the cops, it doesn't go well * The cops want to take the crew planet side and possibly do nefarious things, as admitted by the cops on board who feel the charges currently appear bogus ==== Quotes ==== * On the datastick full of the entire smuggling database \\ Hector: It's not a datastick it's a suppository ===== Part II : Run, Fly, Dive ===== * Assassination attempt * Shots fired outside the Sector House * Tyler grabbed a high powered sniper rifle and ran off * Dirk may have the death penalty here * Lawyer was shoved back in the police station - lawyer was sent by O2STK when we asked them for help. * Jason strips * Jedi is kept for questioning and shown security footage of the incident outside * Planet is highly surveilled with smart systems and AIs monitoring cameras. The assassin was exploiting known problems with the system * The assassins were receiving special coded signals via an exclusive media subsciption service * With Hector's help, Dirk breaks into the morgue and steals the dead assassin's brain * Hector hooks up the brain to the signal to see what happen * Darwin Tindal is a media mogul that employs Aaron Micah (who was convicted of using VR torture) * We drive a flying car to the window of the apartment of Aaron, break though and kidnap him, * To distract the police, Dirk flings himself off the aircar. ==== Quotes ==== * Stream-a-murder * Pate - a Flaherty ===== Part III: Party Animals ===== * Dirk lands on the windshield of the police aircar and is being checked out * Tyler ditches the rifle and makes mental contact with Khaine (eventually) * Dirk is taken to a hospital, and runs like blazes before the cops find out who he is. * Hector muddies the recorded biometrics of Dirk so that a larger percentage of the population registers as Dirk, so the AIs can't find him too easily. * Tyler re-finds his rifle * Tyler is very psychically well endowed, and Kaine is very receptive. * Kaine want's Tyler to bring the sniper rifle so he can touch it * Kaine goes to meet Tyler. Gets a psychometric reading from the gun. * The IT guy placed the gun that the assassin used. * Kaine notices that Tyler isn't looking very well * Hector interrogates the ITguy and finds out it is his boss that designates targets. * Kaine investigates and finds the public accessible schedule of Darwin Tindal in the hopes of getting Tyler in to touch him and read his mind. * Hector arranges an anonymous discretionary fund account from O2STK via the lawyer so Tyler can go to the networking meeting in style * Kaine, Tyler and Hector go to the party in a stylish sports car and a couple of escorts * IT guys communicator goes off, Dirk dumps it into a passing truck * Darwin eventually comes in, looking a bit frazzled by the recent kidnapping. * Tyler mindscans him finding he has a controlling personally set on killing Tyler * Hector scans Darwin for incoming signals controlling him - none found, but it does appear that part of his brain is acting as an ancient brain * Tyler tempts Darwin up to the roof to attempt to attempt to kill him * Darwin goes up with two bodyguards - Kaine and Hector follow up behind * A huge TV in front of Tyler shows the face that dominates Darwin's controlling personality * All the AIs focus on the people on the roof ===== Part IV: Previously On...===== * Folk opened fire on the roof. The AI security flagged us as high level terorists. * As a consequence, several tactical response teams opened fire on our position. * I went into maintenance tubes and found a dead spot in the security systems. * Dirk convinced Tyler to jump of the roof, where he was caught by the anti-suicide nets * Then folk ran away through the sewers * Hector writes a program to mask himself from the AIs * They were talking to the police. * Hector tracks them down to a city size tower for custom. Not sure why they went in there. ===== Part V: And Now... ===== * Dirk and Tyler enter the office of a senior beurocrat at the customs office. Dirk suspects the receptionist was being controlled by an AI * Tyler tries to get inside the her head, only to find he's blank inside - it's a trap for psychics * Tyler argues the case that the group is not prone to violence and destruction and the receptionist should not be after them. * Dirk sidles off to snoop around. * Tyler argues that our organisation is manipulating us without our consent, and we are resentful. * The receptionist monologues about her plans and the dubious manipulative nature of O2STK and suggests they use probabilities to plan operations. * Dirk triggers an alarm. * Tyler mind zaps the receptionist who faints * Hector changes the alarm to a smoke alarm, most of the AIs are fooled. However some AIs think its suss and send security. Hector makes it look like one of the other drones in the room was hacking the security. * Tyler leads the way out to the server room, where he's pretty sure where the controlling force was located that was controlling the receptionist. * Tyler turns off the coolant to the server room, but the entity (in a nearby drone) says it won't help - it's only hiding here, not trapped here. Dirk calls Hector in to help find a possible Lovecraft Chip in the server room. * The drone convinces Tyler to shoot himself. He stuns himself * Dirk decks the drone. * Hector removes an Ancient Tech device from the servers * Dirk draws Tyler's gun and shoots a drone with it * Hector gets Dirk to shove the server out the window, where it is caught by the suicide net. Hector leaps out after it * Security guards turn up and tell everyone to hit the ground. * Dirk and Tyler leap out - Tyler passes out halfway down. * 3 Medtechs and a psych have been sent to deal with the multiple attempted suicides. * Hector starts to drift off the net. Dirk tries hurling them back towards the building. * Hector realises the server was drawing the energy from the net to kill us. Dirk kicks it off the ledge and it hits the next net. * We take the lift - the paramedics question us as to why we jumped. Dirk deceives them into believing the security team upstairs went mad and opened fire on us. * We get checked out in the large elevator on the way down with lots of folk * Hector changes the elevator to express to the ground. Folk complain, Hector assures them its the untrustworthy AIs * Hector comandeers an aircar and skilfully drives it under the falling server. Dirk helps manhandle the heavy, growing, spiky thing into the car. * It starts to take over the car and Dirk shoves it off onto the ground. * The crew search for some cable to drag it by * We drop it in the ocean away from settlements * The media reports several high level officials going missing, terrorist acts and the AIs report 4 suicides * Tyler contacts [[Inon]] about her weapon that destroys Horrors and convinces her with vast sums of money. He gives her information on where it is so she can shoot it. * She comes down in disguise and meets us. We escort her towhere the server is * While [[Inon]] destroys it, Tyler gets information out of it - it's a splinter of something from a war and only recently awoke after receiving a signal. It feeds on suffering. ==== Quotes ==== * My default rule is - when all else fails, go wth the plan of the guy with the most fate points. * Ancient tech is immortal Barbie - beyond mortal ken * He has a name you know - Trevor. He gets angry when people just call him "the fusion bomb". You wouldn't like him when he's angry. {{tag>"session report" "episode 26" "episode 27" "episode 28" "episode 29" "episode 30""planet" "smugglers" "human space" }}