====== Jon Hector ====== {{ :starblazer:fate-points-peter-c.png?200}} Shady Scientist Inspired by - Seamus Zelazny Harper ([[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andromeda_%28TV_series%29|Andromeda]]), Clive 55 ([[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Spaceship|The Starship]]), Dex Dearborn ([[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sky_Captain_and_the_World_of_Tomorrow|Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow]]) ===== Biography ===== * **Homeworld**: [[starblazer:planets:start&#omicron_persei_viii|Omicron Persei 8]] Jon was kinda just a low life bottom-rung mobster - the techie guy sent to fix stuff and in fear of his life for failure (and desparate to get out of the crime group and off planet). On the other hand it's not something he'd be proud of and may have kept it from 8 and Dirk when they showed up. He's a scientist who comes from a fallen decadent world where intellectuals were basically the kicked dogs of anyone with power. He escaped the mob by using his brain, so yeah scientist - I just don't think he's particularly mysterious - I'm more inclined towards "a scientist with a shady past". ==== Gadgeteering ==== * [[Equipment]] ===== Character Sheet ===== * {{:starblazer:jonhector.pdf| Form Fillable PDF}} * {{:starblazer:jon_hector.pdf| Pop-up Character sheet}} (PDF) * {{:starblazer:jon_hector.zip| Pop-up Character sheet}} (DOCX) Note red lines denote mountain folds, black valley folds and thick lines are cuts. Closed {{:starblazer:closed.jpg?100| Closed}} Open {{:starblazer:open.jpg?100| Open}} [[?do=export_xml|Export Me As XML]] {{ :starblazer:dex-captain.jpg| Jon Hector}} ==== Skills ==== - Science! - Engineering, Alertness - Starship Engines, Survival, Driving - Guns, Athletics, Academics, Investigation - Deceit, Empathy, Resolve, Weapons, Resources ==== Stunts ==== - [[.:stunt:Universal Gadget]] - [[.:stunt:Scientific Genius]] (Physics +1, Electronics +2) - [[.:stunt:Theory in Practice]] - [[.:stunt:Scientific Invention]] - [[.:stunt:Weird Science]] - [[.:stunt:Mad Science]] (Phasic Neural Sensoriums) ==== Fate Point Refresh ==== 6 ==== Aspects ==== * **Training** * Good with numbers * Jury-Rig under pressure * **Legend**: [[Jon Hector's Digital Revenge!]] * Hacker * Underworld infamy * **Mission**: [[eight_and_the_lost_world]] * Fascinated with ancient tech * Sucker for the underdog * **Mission**: [[xiao_ling_versus_the_robot_race_-_in_the_long_shot]] * Values life * Doesn't trust AIs * **In Game**: [[legacy]] * Religion is hokum * **In Game**: [[shadow]] * Avoids consequences ===== Training ===== Forced by the Big Boss to work the electro-numbers racket and fix the Holo-prostitutes. ===== Legend ===== * [[Jon Hector's Digital Revenge!]] ===== The Further Adventures ===== * [[The Return of the Robot Race!!!]] * [[stone tiger]] * [[clone trade]] * [[legacy]] * [[shadow]] * [[mindjammer]] * [[lost and found]] * [[cliff hangar]] * [[on the horror trail]] * [[no jump for you]] * [[to boldly go]] {{tag>Jon_Hector character pc}}