====== Cliff Hanger ====== | Back to [[sessions]]| ---- **Setting:** [[.:stations:start#clifftop_station|Clifftop Station]] ===== What's up dock ===== * [[dirk_richter|Dirk]] and [[jon_hector|Hector]] wander about on a space station the Lady Jane is currently docked at. It's a large station at the end point of a space elevator with an internal hangar space that has multiple outside airlocks on its shell (very Star Trek mushroom) * Spotting security and a black ops team acting suspicious, Dirk investigates and Jon strategically withdraws * O2STK sends a recruitment notice to the ship about a potential candidate currently on the station * Dirk finds out that security is without its leaders, and is looking for terrorists * [[Tarquil]] looks for a ship to escape on, disguised as a greasy Tarquil and happens across the Lady Jane * Hector agrees to smuggle Tarquil and shows him the ship - only slightly incredibly weirded about by the psychic nature of the ship and how it responds to Tarquil * Security orders everone out of the hangars and off ship. Jon sets up Tarquil in a hidden space and ushers everyone else out ([[Kaine]], [[Eight]] and the [[rhea|Farseer]]) * After a message from Dirk, Jon hacks the security network and discovers the security chiefs have been kidnapped and are at the base of the tether with a number of fusion bombs (and terrorist accessories) * Tarquil nicks the ship, and has some initial difficulty with getting out of the hangar * Dirk sneaks to the tether and disables half the bombs * Jon almost completely fails to do anything useful with the fast approaching elevator coming up the inside of the tether, that will trigger the bombs. * A wobbling elevator and some telepathic mind control from Tarquil who overheard Hector & Dirk planning on the ships intercom sufficiently distract the terrorists enablign Dirk to free and arm the security personnel. * Security deals with the terrorists while Dirk deals with the rest of the bombs ===== Quotes ===== ===== Continuity ===== * Tarquil is played by Carson's player * Tarquil is a passenger paying his way with piloting skills and money - and may be recruited * Dirk saved a bomb as a present for Hector. Hector is quite pleased about this | Back to [[sessions]]| {{tag>"session report" "episode 21" "space station" "space elevator" "human space" }}