====== Cairo Fortunes====== | Back to [[sessions]]| ---- ===== Part I: Aligning Stars ===== **Setting:** Cairo * [[Amberley Cambell|Amberley]], transported by [[Mr White]] in his [[Sopwith Camel]], seeks to buy a new boat * [[Kitty Smithson|Kitty]] looks for a lead in a bar regarding [[Jack Archer|Jack]] and encounters a hot Italian * [[Amberley Cambell|Amberley]] and [[Mr White]] take care of the Italian's bodyguards while he makes a break for it * Capturing him, [[Kitty Smithson|Kitty]] questions him about [[Jack Archer|Jack]] the reporter. Apparently he was got rid of before he found out too much * [[Finnegan]], passports investigation plain clothes division, looks into strange happenings * [[Alec Trevelian|Alec]], partying with actors, sees a face in the stars and tracks down [[Amberley Cambell|Amberley]] and [[Mr White]] at the Hotel to ask about the woman's face. * [[Ravikiran Ifrit|Ravikiran]], disturbed by what he reads after the change of the horoscope authorship from [[Doctor Starlight]] to [[Madam Astara]], investigates the newspaper * Bumping into [[Kitty Smithson|Kitty]], a meeting is set up with [[Finnegan]], [[Alec Trevelian|Alec]] and [[Madam Astara]] * The face [[Alec Trevelian|Alec]] saw is [[Madam Astara|Astara's]] * [[Ravikiran Ifrit|Ravikiran]] scares the bejesus out of [[Madam Astara|Astara]] and finds out plans ===== Part II: Paddlesteamer on the Nile ===== **Setting:** The Nile * [[Jack Archer]]'s sacrifice is to take place at a party on board a paddlesteamer on the Nile * [[Kitty Smithson|Kitty]] and [[Finnegan]] get guests invitations to the party * Aspects: Secret Benefactor and Greased Wheels * [[Ravikiran Ifrit|Ravikiran]] and [[Mr White]] infiltrate as servants * Aspects: Hired Help and Unnoticed * [[Amberley Cambell|Amberley]] sneaks onboard as backup from her clunker of a boat and starts looting * An [[Gunther von Klaus|Austrian nobleman]] (possibly a duke or a prince) monopolises [[Kitty Smithson|Kitty]] on the dance floor with tales of woe, gambling loses and the loss of his [[Marconi's Cadaverous Prototype|machine]]. * A mysterious sheik wanders the top deck looking for people. * A lascivious, fat, fez wearing [[Benni|head servant]] is bribed by [[Finnegan]] to show him and Kitty the suprise event ahead of time. * Party objectives are seen as - Stop sacrifice and rescue [[Jack Archer]] - Thwart the plans of [[the Order of the Scarab]] - Don't burn down the boat * [[Kitty Smithson|Kitty]], [[Finnegan]] and [[Benni]] see [[Marconi's Cadaverous Prototype]] under a sheet in a meeting room, before hiding after hearing someone approaching (the mysterious shiek and the hot Italian) * A drunk American woman wins the "Anubis prize" in a wheel of fortune spin in a gambling area rife with prophetic trappings. [[Ravikiran Ifrit|Ravikiran]] follows the woman, suspecting foul play while [[Mr White]] stays in the room. * A servant attempts to stop [[Ravikiran Ifrit|Ravikiran]] from reaching the meeting room and is punched through the door * The woman is rescued, Ravikiran, Kitty and Finnegan flee the guards by going outside the ship. Mr White lowers them some bunting to climb up * Mr White hides the Marconi device in a silver salver and wanders the ship with it, keeping it away from the search parties. * Two servants attempt to throw the [[Gunther von Klaus|Austrian nobleman]] overboard, Ravikiran and Mr White take them out * Kitty enters the cultists's meeting room and sees a tied up and injured [[Jack Archer]] * Ravikiran and Amberley set fire to the boat * Diverse Alarums * In the ensuing combat with all characters, Jack is struck by the Dagger of Norn * In the confusion of the combat, the dagger is lost, but the Marconi device is kept * Everyone evacuates to Amberley's backup boat * The [[Benni|head servant]] is last seen charging passengers to get on the life boat. ===== Quotes ===== * **GM**: For choosing an aspect, decide what you want to accomplish at the party \\ **PC**: "Flammable Boat" * [[Benni]] : "I noticed your friend is... female. That's my kind of woman." * [[Mr White]], in the cupboard, with the silver salver ===== Continuity ===== * [[Jack Archer]] was stabbed by [[the dagger of norn]] * The group is now in possession of [[Marconi's Cadaverous Prototype]] - a radio attached to a mummified head that can allegedly communicate with the other side ===== Part III: Voices of the Dead ===== **Setting:** Cairo * [[Finnegan]] believes he has Marconi's prototype working. He, [[Kitty Smithson|Kitty]] and [[Ravikiran Ifrit|Ravikiran]] take it to the bridge where [[Doctor Starlight]] died. * The radio contacts the Other Side, where a clamour of ghosts vie for attention. One claims to be Starlight, and asks Kitty for a kiss. * Following the spirit's advice - without payment - the party heads to the Souk to confront [[Swami Mokti]] about Starlight's death. * Mokti takes Finnegan to the Other Side to look for himself - but has no intention of returning him to the land of the living. Instead, he introduces his friend, the Dark Spirit. * Meanwhile, Ravi and Kitty are threatened by Mokti's thugs. They escape with the bodies into the alleyways of the Souk. * Finnegan confronts the Dark Spirit, and fools it into chasing a simulcrum of himself. He converses with the ghost of Starlight, who offers some insight into the plans of [[the Order of the Scarab]] and tells of a journal that he sent to [[Jack Archer|Archer]]. * Kitty wins over the locals, and Ravi intimidates Mokti into revealing his plans. ====== ====== | Back to [[sessions]]| {{mp3play>spirit:fortune_teller.mp3?autostart}} {{tag>"session report" "episode 1" "episode 2" "episode 3" egypt cairo nile "fortune tellers"}}