====== The Honourable Clare Thimblebelly of Lower Cannonboroughbury ====== The Honourable Clare Thimblebelly was the thirteenth daughter of Baron Thimblebelly of Lower Cannonboroughbury, a somewhat diminished barony located somewhere between Cumbria and Kent. Shortly after her birth her mother, Lady Thimblebelly, fled to a sanitorium. Tragedy struck again early in her childhood when, after a particularly enthusiastic game of Hide and Seek, the Baron and five sisters were never recovered. As a young woman she was encouraged to leave Lower Cannonboroughbury, indeed the entire Cannonboroughbury area, by allegations of witchcraft, begun due to an unfortunate misunderstanding of a herbal nature. Travelling throughout Europe, she found herself in Spain where she was briefly imprisoned by the Inquisition for being a psychic, which was certainly something she hadn't expected. Recently she has returned to England and become well known in some circles as a herbalist and dabbler in the occult. Her Preparation Number 3, an aphrodisiac and floor polish, has become especially popular. In addition to composing and performing music for the harpsichord, harmonica and bugle, she was instrumental in the early days of the Campaign Against Hoop Petticoats. She has never married, surprising given the undoubtedly large number of potential suitors that must surely have been thronging about her, at least during her younger days. ===== Stories ===== * [[Preparation Number 3]] * [[beggar_s_guild|The Wrath of the Beggar's Guild]] ===== Digressions ===== * [[the_origin_of_boy_troupes]] ====== ====== Go back to [[Historical Characters]] \\ Back to [[[at_the_sign_of_the_bear_and_garter|The Sign of the Bear and Garter]]