====== Munchausen Wiki ====== This website is dedicated to collaborative storytelling, especially regarding [[http://www.hogshead.demon.co.uk/newstyle/ns_baronm.htm|The Extraordinary Adventures of Baron Munchausen]] as endorsed by Mr James Wallis himself :) Feel free to read [[The Surprising Adventures of Baron Munchausen]] - the original fantabulist story that is the premise for this game. ==== News ==== * **Major Update!** The Munchausen parts of this wiki have been put in their own namespace while the rest of this wiki becomes my main website --- //[[curufea@yahoo.com|Peter Cobcroft]] 2013/03/11 19:47// * **Major Update!** All stories from the PBeM mailing list have now been added to the wiki --- //[[curufea@yahoo.com|Peter Cobcroft]] 2008/08/27 18:19// * Back in Print! (thanks for the heads up, Mr. Wallis!) --- //[[curufea@yahoo.com|Peter Cobcroft]] 2008/08/11 14:23// * PDF: available exclusively through e23 ([[http://www.sjgames.com/e23]]) * Print version next month * 1000 copies of a hardcover faux-leather-binding "Gentlemens' Edition" and an * unlimited run of a plainer, simpler "Wives' and Servants' Edition" * [[2007 News]] * [[2006 News]] * [[2005 News]] ===== Frequently Asked Questions ===== Enter any questions you have about this site, or the game here * **[[faq| Frequently Asked Questions]]** ===== How to play ===== Here we have the latest version of my PBeM (now possibly should be called Play By Wiki) rules for The Extraordinary Adventures of Baron Munchausen. * __**[[Munchausen Lite|Munchausen by Wiki]]**__ - the rules in a nutshell. Well, more guidelines, really. * If you need ideas for challenges, have a look at the [[#questions]] * If you want to see anying that has been changed, edited, created or modified recently - click on the __**Recent Changes**__ button in the top right * Confused about the [[hierarchy]] of the pages? Or just confused about the word [[hierarchy]]? * [[Munchausen PBeM]] - the previous incarnation of the rules, originally intended for playing by email. * [[Space Opera]] Variant - used for the PBeM science fiction games * [[Doctor Who]] Variant - for use with a Doctor Who game - a variant of Space Opera where all the players are a regeneration of the Doctor. ===== Editing/Creating Rules ===== * All entries must be readable. If you write material with lots of typos and misspellings - someone will fix them. * **Don't enter material that isn't yours**. It may be copyright, and will be deleted. * If a page is **Read Only** there is a reason - either the stories are finished, or the authors don't wish to have their stories edited on a public website. Contact me for details if required. * I have a fair bit of space left, so feel free to post large documents. I'll warn everyone if I start running out. * This main page is only editable by me. Most other pages can be created or edited by anyone. If you want to change this page, let me know ([[curufea@yahoo.com]]) * Here you can find information on creating a [[page]] ===== Current Games ===== If you wish to actively participate in a storytelling game, then put a link to the game on this page * [[Current Games]] ===== Previous Games ===== Here you can find a complete list of previous games that have concluded. * [[Previous Games]] mostly from the email game. The yahoo group can be found here:- http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/TheBaron/ **Note**: Many of the stories from the previous games have not been transferred to this wiki. The authors have not given permission. ===== The Archives ===== ==== Stories by Genre ==== Ongoing and completed stories/games, according to whatever setting is chosen. You can start a new story here, by creating a [[page]] in the appropriate genre, but if you do, you should also go to the correct [[location/setting|setting]], have your [[character]] introduce themselves in a [[game]], if they aren't already there, and create a link to the story there as well. * [[Science Fiction]] (8) and 3 digressions * [[Super Hero]] * [[Fantasy]] * [[Historical]] (13) and 11 digressions as well as 1 expoundment * [[Horror]] * [[Multiple Genre]] * [[Other Genres]] ==== Storytelling Characters ==== Every player needs a persona - the fictional [[character]] who was in the stories that they are telling. Feel free to add any characters you like, but make sure you put your name to them. I don't want players using other player's characters without their permission. If you create a [[page]] for a new character, you may also wish to compile links to the various stories they have made. * [[Science Fiction Characters]] (8) * [[Super Hero Characters]] (0) * [[Fantasy Characters]] (0) * [[Historical Characters]] (11) * [[Horror Characters]] (0) * [[Doctor Who Characters]] (10) * [[Multiple Genre Characters]] (0) * [[Other Genres Characters]] (1) ==== Storytelling Companions==== The main [[character]] in the story may have one (or sometimes more) companions along to help them out in times of trouble. Feel free to add any companions you like, but make sure you put your name to them. I don't want players using other player's companions without their permission. If you create a [[page]] for a new companion, you may also wish to compile links to the various stories they appear in. * [[Companions:Science Fiction]] (0) * [[Companions:Super Hero]] (0) * [[Companions:Fantasy]] (0) * [[Companions:Historical]] (0) * [[Companions:Horror]] (0) * [[Companions:Doctor Who]] (43) * [[Companions:Multiple Genre]] (0) * [[Companions:Other Genres]] (0) ==== Storytelling Settings ==== Not every group of [[character|characters]] sit around a table in a bar, pub or inn. Here are a few of the locations where stories can be started. Feel free to add your [[character]] to a [[game]] in a [[location/setting|setting]] and start a new [[page|story/page]] from there. * [[Science Fiction Settings]] (1) * [[Super Hero Settings]] * [[Fantasy Settings]] * [[Historical Settings]] (2) * [[Horror Settings]] * [[Multiple Genre Settings]] * [[Other Genres Settings]] ===== Questions ===== All sorts of questions are stored here that previous players have asked of storytellers. * [[questions_section|Potential challenges for storytellers]] ===== Baron Munchausen Links ===== * [[http://www.hogshead.demon.co.uk/newstyle/ns_baronm.htm|The Extraordinary Adventures of Baron Munchausen]] * [[http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/TheBaron/|TheBaron ยท Munchausen by Proxy]] - the original PBeM Yahoo group. * [[http://www.boardgamegeek.com/game/2470|Boardgame Geek entry]] * [[http://e23.sjgames.com/item.html?id=MOP101|Purchase the current PDF version]] * [[http://www.mongoosepublishing.com/home/detail.php?qsID=1607&qsSeries=Flaming%20Cobra|Latest hardcopy edition]]