====== Munchausen by Wiki====== === Wiki Variant === **Based on** [[http://www.hogshead.demon.co.uk/newstyle/ns_baronm.htm|The Extraordinary Adventures of Baron Munchausen]] \\ by James Wallis, Hogshead Publishing \\ Adapted by Peter Cobcroft \\ For the tabletop game, try :- \\ [[http://www.hogshead.demon.co.uk/newstyle/ns_baronm.htm]] \\ To have a look at the Terry Gilliam movie, try :- \\ [[http://us.imdb.com/Title?0096764]] \\ Go back to the [[start]] page. ===== Glossary ===== **A Game** - a page, linked from the [[location/setting]] which contains all the linking text, incidental roleplaying and character introductions for the players involved in the particular [[game]]. \\ **A Round** - a new storyteller begins a story by creating a [[page]] for the story with a link in the [[game]] page.\\ **A Turn** - a part of the story is written on the page by the current storyteller. If they are logged in, they may also end the story part with their signature.\\ **Wagee** - a Player who has made a wager against the current storyteller.\\ **Player** - a Reader not currently telling a story, but with a [[character]] in the [[location/setting]] who is participating in the current [[game]].\\ **Reader** - someone browsing the site and not currently telling a story.\\ ===== Pre-Game ===== * A player chooses a genre they wish to write in. * To set the [[location/setting]] of the [[game]], if there isn't one all ready the player must make a single page of any length describing the location in which the players can then arrive. You do this by going to the correct [[location/setting|setting]] area for your genre, and creating a [[page]] that links from it. * A new [[game]] page must be created within that [[location/setting]] for the current game. * To arrive at the location a player must introduce their [[character]] and describe themselves entering the location and sitting down. They do this on the [[game]]'s page which is linked from the [[location/setting]]. * Players must choose a [[character]] that fits the genre and is capable of telling stories. * Seating is important, as the rounds proceed clockwise from the player who set the location (the player who created the setting) and started the [[game]]. ===== Beginning a round ===== * The round begins when the previous storyteller (or if at the start of the [[game]], the player who created the [[location/setting|location]] and/or the [[game]] page) asks the player seated clockwise of them ( as defined in the [[location/setting]]) a question pertaining to their adventures. * The questions should not be more than three sentences and not too complicated. See the [[questions section]] for ideas. ===== General Story Rules ===== * The story should be in-genre. * The stories should be first-person narratives. * The storyteller herself is presumed to be above average in just about everything - but not to have extraordinary abilities. But this is only a suggestion. * The storyteller may have up to one companion with an extraordinary ability. * The storyteller should post story segments at regular intervals. The time between one storyteller posting and the next storyteller posting is called a turn. * A story segment should consist of around 3-5 paragraphs. You may wish to delimit each segment by putting a "signature" or similar at the end of the latest segment, but this isn't necessary. **Signatures** are inserted if you are logged in, and when editing a page, you press the quill icon on the far right of the edit box (or by using the keys ALT+Y). --- //[[curufea@yahoo.com|Peter Cobcroft]] 06/06/2005 17:36// ===== Finishing a story ===== There are several ways a storyteller may finish her story :- * By fulfilling the question initially posed and proclaiming that her story is true and factual. In which case the other players present should then congratulate her, before she proceeds back to the [[game]]'s main page in the [[location/setting]] and asks a question of the next player. * By running out of spare time and prematurely ending her story. If unable to ask a question of the next player, the first person to post a question in the [[game]] will have it used for the next player's story. * By running out of inspiration. If the muse deserts and alcohol intake fails to stir the imagination sufficiently, the storyteller may pass. In which case, further conversation continues back on the [[game]] page in which she asks a question of the next player. Of the later two options, the stories may be continued at some time in the future. If they are finished before the game is ended, then they are valid for the final voting. ===== Wagers ===== * Wagers can be made up until the storyteller posts her next story segment. * If multiple wagers are posted by the time the storyteller gets to edit her story page, then the longest written wager should be the winner - although the storyteller is free to include the lesser wagers if she wants. ===== Digressions ===== * Rather than making another wager when someone else already has (for this particular turn), a listener, if it suits the currently made wager, can ask the wagerer for a digression about their wager. * If the storyteller, wishing for a days reprieve, or indeed intrigued by the idea of the digression, wishes to allow it - she must also ask the wagerer about the digression. * If a listener has made a wager, which she has been asked to digress on by another listener and the storyteller - they must digress. * Only the storyteller can give permission for a digression. * A digression must be a new [[page]], and in genre - but can be of any length within that page (and can lead to further digressions). ===== Counter Wagers ===== * If a storyteller does not wish to include the wager - they must make a counter wager, basically coming up with reasons why the wager shouldn't or couldn't happen. * Counter wagers should preferably happen before the next turn (the next story posting) otherwise it will slow the game down. * There is a limit of three listener/storyteller interactions, they are - Wager (original from listener), Counter-wager (from storyteller), Counter-counter-wager (from more insistent listener). * If the storyteller wishes to stop a wager after the CCW (counter-counter-wager) - she must challenge the listener to a duel. ===== Duels ===== * A Duel is fought between a storyteller and a wagee who has had her CCW rebuffed. Both the storyteller and the wagee must post a short story about the duel. One post each - of any length. Like a digression. In fact, rather than clogging up the storyteller's story page, you may wish to fight the duel on a new [[page]] * Style, flamboyance and possibly humour are all good in a fencing (or other) duel. As is accurate depiction (or even caricature) of your opponent. * Once both versions of the duel have been written, it is up to every other player in the game to read them and vote on which one is best - a poll will be set up. * The winning story becomes the true event and those consequences happen. If the wagee wins, then their wager must be included in the storyteller's next turn. * Note - if an opponent is maimed, killed or otherwise inconvenienced, they must explain a way of overcoming these obstacles in order to continue playing. ===== Winning ===== * After all stories are told, a vote will be held (via poll) on which story and which digressions were best. * The winner of the digression vote obtains the right and duty to edit the compilation of everything posted in the game that isn't a story or a digression. ie the introduction to the place, players chatting in character to each other, duels and possibly the failed wagers if so inclined. * The winner of the Story competition gets to choose the next game genre, and set the location. ===== Post-Game ===== * Storytellers are encouraged to edit their own stories as much as possible as well. You never know, they may one day be publishable.