====== Munchausen "Locations or Settings" ====== Not every group of [[character]]s sit around a table in a bar, pub or inn. [[Page]] created here describe a place for a [[game]] to start. ===== Creating a "Location/Setting" ===== Find the appropriate genre under **Storytelling Settings** on the [[start]] page. Create a new [[page]] and write a descriptive piece about a particularly interesting place that players may socialise and tell stories. They may wish to have a drink there, or a meal, or do some other activity they can roleplay in the [[game]] between stories. ===== Adding to a "Location/Setting" ===== Whenever a new [[game]] is started, a new link should be place in the location [[page]]. You should put these in an unordered list (or bullet list) by starting the link with two spaces, an asterisk and another space. ===== Finishing a "Location/Setting" ===== You can end the page with a link back to the [[start]] page. ---- Go to [[Munchausen Lite|the rules page]] \\ Go back to the [[start]] page.