====== Doctor van B. ====== Doctor Van B. was, until recently, a Professor of Natural History at the University of Amsterdam. However, with the recent return of one troublesome English explorer, whose accounts of his voyages to the antipodes conflict wildly with the rather more entertaining accounts for which Dr. Van B. is well known, and upon which his scholarly reputation was largely based. Thinking it prudent to announce his retirement, Dr. van B. left Amsterdam (with a fairly large amount of university silverware, and not a few paintings of note from his professorial chambers). As there are still circles where a good story is more highly regarded than an accurate one, he has been courting the company of certain noblemen, who are more than willing to fund his researches in return for tales of his travels. Although technically a commoner, Dr. Van B.'s air of scholarship and learning lends a respectability to the proceedings of any gathering he cares to attend. ===== Stories ===== * [[the_mask_of_zorro]] ===== Digressions ===== * [[A short digression]] * [[the_captain_the_naturalist_and_the_telescope]] * [[on Rattus Rattus Incendius]] ===== Expoundments ===== * [[appelalations]] ===== Related Persona===== * [[baron_celsius_don_barrow]] * [[Captain Brro of the _Shining Wit_]] * [[earl_s]] ====== ====== Go back to [[Historical Characters]] \\ Back to [[[at_the_sign_of_the_bear_and_garter|The Sign of the Bear and Garter]]