======Timeline====== ^ Year ^ Timeline ^ Elven alternate history ^ | The Birthing | Primordial life evolves on the planet. The first infusions of magic create Daemons. Much chaos in the world | Primordial life evolves on the planet. The first infusions of magic create Daemons. Much chaos in the world | | The Fae Wars | Faeries evolve from plants, their metamagic restricts magic ability to humanoid shapes. Daemons are exiled to an alternate dimension with better magic. | Faeries evolve from plants, their metamagic restricts magic ability to humanoid shapes. Daemons are exiled to an alternate dimension with better magic | | The Shaping | Dwarves evolve from rock, Elves evolve from Faeries. | Dwarves evolve from rock, Elves evolve from Faeries.| | -333 | Zhou conquers Yue | Zhou conquers Yue | | -286 | Zhou conquers Song | Zhou conquers Song | | -255 | Zhou conquers Lu | Zhou conquers Lu | | -230 | Zhou conquers Han | Zhou conquers Han | | -225 | Zhou conquers Wei | Zhou conquers Wei | | -223 | Zhou conquers Chu | Zhou conquers Chu | | -222 | Zhou conquers Yan | Zhou conquers Yan | | -221 | Zhou conquers Qi, First Empress of Kartar | Zhou conquers Qi, First Empress of Kartar | | -202 | **Namarie Egla not born** | **Namarie Egla born** | | -187 | First regent of Kartar | First regent of Kartar | | -152 | | Turin Celebdae Egla born | | -102 | | Namarie conquers the Western Shores | | -88 | Rauko born | Rauko born | | -73 | | Trade pact with Kartar made | | -58 | Daemon's Cleft opened. Invasion postponed with Rauko's magic | Daemon's Cleft opened. Invasion postponed with Elven magic. Rauko becomes Court Wizard | | 1 | Cenning-tíd, "The time of bringing forth, birth-time". Rauko builds his fortress at the site of Celinadinae | Celinadinae founded by the Elves. Namarie elected first emperor of the Western Shores | | 312 | The Dwarves of the Drakor Mountains swear fealty to Rauko | | | 567 | The tribes of Brondheim swear fealty to Rauko. All lands west of Cenning-tíd from the Lofty Mountains to the River Rabas are now part of The Empire | | | 678 | | Namarie steps down as Emperor | | 801 | Emperor Rauko defeats the army of Kartar, and forces the Khan to take a blood oath never to attack the Western Shores so long as an emperor rules in Cenning-tíd | | | 1118 | After a tremendous storm, a huge castle of floating ice apopears off the Isles of Skiirk. Bitterly cold weather forces all living there to retreat to the mainland | After a tremendous storm, a huge castle of floating ice apopears off the Isles of Skiirk. Bitterly cold weather forces all living there to retreat to the mainland | | 1666 | Emperor Rauko opens trade routes with Kartar | | | 1967 | The Sultanate of Zylistan attempts to conquer all lands south of the Drakor Mountains, but the armies of the Sultan are defeated | The Sultanate of Zylistan attempts to conquer all lands south of the Drakor Mountains, but the armies of the Sultan are defeated | | 2121 | Malekith, Rauko's son, creates Sorcerer's Spire as a place of seclusion in which to conduct magical experiments | Malekith, Rauko's son, creates Sorcerer's Spire as a place of seclusion in which to conduct magical experiments | | 2150 | An fiery explosion obliterates the top of Sorcerer's Spire. Malekith is never seen again, but from that day forth, no magic works within 10 leagues of the spire | An fiery explosion obliterates the top of Sorcerer's Spire. Malekith is never seen again, but from that day forth, no magic works within 10 leagues of the spire | | 2398 | Orcs begin appearing in the Lofty Mountains in greater numbers. The Emperor increases patrols along the northern frontiers | Orcs begin appearing in the Lofty Mountains in greater numbers. The Emperor increases patrols along the northern frontiers | | 2420 | | Celebdil investigates the Lofty Mountains and defeats Malekith. The Orcs are destroyed. | | 2455 | Rauko awakens the evil in Daemon's Cleft. Cenning-tíd is razed, and the Rauko Empire collapses | The Elves close the Cleft, exiling Daemons from this dimension. | | 2458 | | Namarie elected Emperor a second time | | 2460-2620 | Kartaran hordes repeatedly pillage the Western Shores. These are the Days of Death and Fire | | | 2620 | Hordes of Yuán Huáng Hòu defeated. Kartaran invasions end | New trade deals made with Yuán Huáng Hòu | | 2744 | Dwarves fleeing the orc-infested Drakor mountains settle in the Peaks of Dawn | | | 2848 | The Kingdom of Daria invades Ambria. The Twenty Years War begins | Turin Celebdae Egla and friends recruited for a special mission by Rauko | | 2849 | | Turin succeeds in mission and causes his own father, Namarie to have never been born. | | 2868 | Daria is driven back, but not defeated. The Twenty Years War ends. Kron's Wall is built as a border watch | | | 2901 | The Elves forcibly expel all Ambrians from The Great Wood, claiming it as their own soverign territory. Lord Regent Edruss protests, but no conflict results | | | 2950 | The battle of the Gods. Most major religions organise and participate in pogroms. The Seer and the Sorceress are born. | | | 2993-2997 | Irolo and Zylistan fight a series of border disputes over who owns the Horse Wilds. In the end, nothing is settled and the Wilds remain a no-man's land. | | | 3013 | Markoth the Undying, a sorcerer rumoured to be less than human, sets up residence in the Grey Bogs | | | 3055 | Acrid smoke pours forth from the Daemon's Cleft on the 600th anniversary of the fall of Celinad. The Western Shores are shrouded in gloom for weeks and thousands of people go mad | | | 3078 | Mountain Giants and ogres close Eagle Pass, eliminating the last "civilised" route to the lands east of The Grand Range | | | 3110-3129 | The men of Brondheim begin a series of sea raids against Daria, Ambria and Irolo. The armies of Daria attack Halbad, the Northman stronghold and burn it to the ground | | | 3129 | The Sorceress gathers magic to herself. The Seer tracks her down and she voluntarily moves to Sorcerer's Spire. | | | 3130-3140 | Daria suffers ten years of very harsh winters | | | 3169 | The islands of Dornica, long a haven for smugglers, are united under Crispus Hookhand, a notorious pirate | | | 3184 | Orcs and trolls begin living openly on The Ruined March. Raiding against the Western Shores increases | | | 3212 | Dragons return in number to the Lofty Mountains | | | 3214 | The Elves cease to enforce their border watch of The Great Wood. Some woodsmen and hunters move in | | | 3241 | Evren of Ambria (the Lord Regent's son) mortally offends King Zephrahm of Daria by refusing his daughter's hand in marriage | | | 3244 | Halay Steel, a new metal from the far south, begins appearing in northern ports. The metal makes excellent weapons and armour, but Zylistani merchants speak nothing of its source. Nonetheless, the coffers of the Sultanate are filled with Ambrian, Darian and Irolo gold | | | 3247 | King Zephrahm of Daria begins preparing his armies for war against Ambria | | | 3249 | Reports from Trell indicate the orcs of the Ruined March are becoming more organised, and often enter Daemon's Cleft. Rumour has it they are uniting under an evil lord of great power | | | 3250 | The present | |