{{ http://www.curufea.com/phptest/geneology/media/coa/Ostmark/De_oberhavel_coat.png}} ======Barony of Havelland====== Back to [[roleplaying:hero:ws:Ostmark|The March of Ostmark]] =====Overview===== {{:ws:Havelland.jpg?200}} ====Size==== 1,717 km^2 ====Ruler==== Margrave (Markgraf) Theodoric Recared II ====Inhabitants==== 152200 ====pop. density==== 88 inh./km^2 ====Capitol of Havelland==== **Potsdam** (POP: 40,350) **Size**: 2.7 km^2 (665 acres) **Town Guards**: 538 ====Maps==== [[http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a0/Karte_Potsdam_MKL1888.png|Potsdam map]] | Apothecaries 14 | Fishmongers 34 | Priests 34 | Bakers 50 | Furriers 161 | Pursemakers 37 | Barbers 115 | Glovemakers 17 | Roofers 22 | Bathers 21 | Harness-Makers 20 | Ropemakers 21 | Beer-Sellers 29 | Hatmakers 42 | Rugmakers 20 | Blacksmiths 27 | Hay Merchants 18 | Saddlers 40 | Bleachers 19 | Illuminators 10 | Scabbardmakers 47 | Bookbinders 13 | Inns 20 | Sculptors 20 | Booksellers 6 | Jewelers 101 | Shoemakers 269 | Buckle Makers 29 | Lawyers/Advocates 62 | Spice Merchants 29 | Butchers 34 | Locksmiths 21 | Tailors 161 | Carpenters 73 | Maidservants 161 | Tanners 20 | Chandlers 58 | Masons 81 | Taverns/Restaurants 101 | Chicken Butchers 40 | Mercers 58 | Watercarriers 47 | Clergy 1009 | Noble Households 202 | Weavers 67 | Coopers 58 | Old-Clothes 101 | Wine-Sellers 45 | Copyists 20 | Painters 27 | Woodcarvers 17 | Cutlers 18 | Pastrycooks 81 | Woodsellers 58 | Doctors 24 | Plasterers 29 | ====Recared Castle==== [[roleplaying:hero:ws:Recared|Castle Recared]] - Theodoric's residence in Potsdam ====Major Towns in Havelland==== * Potsdam (POP: 40,350) - Capitol ====Port towns in Havelland==== ====Villages in Havelland==== 301 (total POP: 85,288) ====Arable land in Havelland==== 64% (1,111 km^2) the rest is wilderness, rivers, lakes etc. ====Livestock in Havelland==== 334,422 (227,406 Fowl / 107,016 Dairy and Meat) ====Fortifications==== There are approximately 4 standing fortifications in Havelland \\ Castles in active use : 3 Back to [[roleplaying:hero:ws:Ostmark|The March of Ostmark]]