======The Calendar for the year 3250====== =====Conversion===== With thanks to [[http://www.gadarg.org.uk/essays/e007.htm|GADARG]] ^ English ^ Duchy of Irolo ^ Elsewhere ^ Translation ^ Elvish ^ Translation ^ | **Days** ||| | | | | Sunday | Sonntag | Sunnandæg | Sun's day | Anarya | Sun's day | | Monday | Montag | Monandæg | Moon's day | Isilya | Moon's day | | Tuesday | Ziestag | Tiwesdæg | **Ziu**'s day | Alduya | Trees' day | | Wednesday | Mittwoch | Wodnesdæg | **Wodan**'s day | Menelya | Heavens' day | | Thursday | Donnerstag | Þurresdæg | **Thunor**'s day | Earenay | Sea's day | | Friday | Freitag | Frigedæg | **Frigge**'s day | Valanya | Valars' day | | Saturday | Samstag | Lördæg | Bath day | Elenya | Stars' day | | **Months** ||| | | | | January | Afteryule | Æfterra Geola | After Renewal | Narvinye | - | | February | Solmath | Sol Monath | Mud Month | Nenime | Watery | | March | Rethe | Hreth Monath | **Hretha** | Sulime | Windy | | April | Astron | Eastre Monath | **Eastre** | Viresse | - | | May | Thrimidge | Drimilce | Month of three milkings | Lotesse | in Blossom | | June | Lithe | Ærra Litha | Mild | Narie | Sunny | | July | Mede | Æfterra Litha | **Mímir** | Cermie | - | | August | Wedmath | Weod Monath | Weed Month | Urime | Hot | | September | Halimath | Halig Monath | Holy Month | Yavannie | Giver of Fruits | | October | Wintring | Winterfylleth | Winter filling | Narquellie | Sun Waning | | November | Blotmath | Blot Monath | Sacrifice/Blood Month | Hisime | Misty | | December | Foreyule | Ærra Geola | Before Renewal | Ringare | Cold-day Shuddering | Note - **Bolding** denotes the name of a god or goddess =====Year Calendar===== ====Afteryule (January)==== ^ Date ^ Moon ^ Day ^ Astronomical Event ^ General Holy Days ^ Specific Holy Days ^ | 1 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon17.gif}} | Sonntag | | | Saint's Day: Tirrala the Handmaiden | | 2 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon18.gif}} | Montag | Aurora. | | Saint's Day: Glinde the Midwife | | 3 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon19.gif}} | Ziestag | Evening star. | Women's Fertility Ceremony | | | 4 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon20.gif}} | Mittwoch | | | Eir - Lesser Sapelah (lay mass) | | 5 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon21.gif}} | Donnerstag | Evening star. | | Hretha - Soratir (lay mass) | | 6 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon22.gif}} | Freitag | | Day of the Three-fold Deities/Epiphany | Mimir - Velere (lay mass) | | 7 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon23.gif}} | Samstag | | | Freo - Shesneala Day (lay mass) | | 8 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon24.gif}} | Sonntag | | | Ziu - Low Ceremony of the Balefire (lay mass) | | 9 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon25.gif}} | Montag | Evening star. | Heroes day | Saint's Day: Laryn | | 10 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon26.gif}} | Ziestag | Evening star. | Plough Day | | | 11 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon27.gif}} | Mittwoch | | | | | 12 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon28.gif}} | Donnerstag | | Frigg's Day | Eir - Lesser Sapelah (lay mass) | | 13 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon29.gif}} | Freitag | | Tiugunde Day | Wodan - Degrees of Nyardath (high mass) | | 14 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon1.gif}} | Samstag | Shooting star. | | Eir - Greater Sapelah (purification ritual) | | 15 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon2.gif}} | Sonntag | | | Eir - Greater Sapelah Hretha - Soratir (lay mass) Bragi - Night of High Perspective (lay mass) | | 16 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon3.gif}} | Montag | | | Eir - Greater Sapelah | | 17 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon4.gif}} | Ziestag | Shooting star. | | Eir - Greater Sapelah | | 18 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon5.gif}} | Mittwoch | | Women's Festival | Saint's Day: Brant | | 19 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon6.gif}} | Donnerstag | | Omastag(Grandmother's Day) | | | 20 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon7.gif}} | Freitag | | | Eir - Lesser Sapelah (lay mass) | | 21 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon8.gif}} | Samstag | | Norns Day | | | 22 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon9.gif}} | Sonntag | | | | | 23 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon10.gif}} | Montag | | | Saint's Day: Balfo | | 24 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon11.gif}} | Ziestag | | | | | 25 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon12.gif}}| Mittwoch | | Disting | Hretha - Soratir (lay mass) | | 26 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon13.gif}}| Donnerstag | | | Wodan - Shadryn Vars (lay mass) | | 27 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon14.gif}}| Freitag | | | | | 28 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon15.gif}}| Samstag | | Up Kelly Aa | Eir - Lesser Sapelah (lay mass) | | 29 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon16.gif}}| Sonntag | | | | | 30 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon17.gif}}| Montag | | Norns, Disir and the Valkyries Day | Bragi - Night of Silent Renewal (lay mass) Loki - Dezenaka (high mass) | ====Solmath (February)==== ^ Date ^ Moon ^ Day ^ Astronomical Event ^ General Holy Days ^ Specific Holy Days ^ | 1 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon18.gif}}| Ziestag | | | | | 2 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon19.gif}}| Mittwoch | | Ground Hog Day | Saint's Day: Alys | | 3 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon20.gif}}| Donnerstag | | Midwinter's Day | | | 4 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon21.gif}}| Freitag | | | Eir - Restoration Festival | | 5 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon22.gif}}| Samstag | Evening star. | The Charming of the Plow, Wyrd's Day | Hretha - Soratir (lay mass) | | 6 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon23.gif}}| Sonntag | | The Charming of the Plow | Mimir - Velere (lay mass) | | 7 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon24.gif}}| Montag | | | Freo - Shesneala Day (lay mass) Saint's Day: Urbrin | | 8 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon25.gif}}| Ziestag | | | Ziu - Low Ceremony of the Balefire (lay mass) | | 9 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon26.gif}}| Mittwoch | | Heroes day | Saint's Day: Gwene | | 10 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon27.gif}}| Donnerstag | | | | | 11 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon28.gif}}| Freitag | Shooting star. | | | | 12 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon29.gif}}| Samstag | | | Eir - Lesser Sapelah (lay mass) | | 13 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon1.gif}}| Sonntag | | Purification Festival | Wodan - Degrees of Nyardath (high mass) | | 14 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon2.gif}}| Montag | | Purification Festival The Blessing of Vali/Love Festival/Labyrinths | Eir - Greater Sapelah (purification ritual) | | 15 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon3.gif}}| Ziestag | Fireball. | Purification Festival | Eir - Greater Sapelah Hretha - Soratir (lay mass) Bragi - Night of High Perspective (lay mass) | | 16 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon4.gif}}| Mittwoch | | Purification Festival | Eir - Greater Sapelah | | 17 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon5.gif}}| Donnerstag | | Purification Festival Day for plants | Eir - Greater Sapelah | | 18 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon6.gif}}| Freitag | | Purification Festival | | | 19 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon7.gif}}| Samstag | Evening star. | | | | 20 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon8.gif}}| Sonntag | Morning star. | | Eir - Lesser Sapelah (lay mass) | | 21 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon9.gif}}| Montag | | | | | 22 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon10.gif}}| Ziestag | | | | | 23 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon11.gif}}| Mittwoch | | | | | 24 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon12.gif}}| Donnerstag | | | Saint's Day: Alys | | 25 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon13.gif}}| Freitag | | Time of Old Woman | Hretha - Soratir (lay mass) | | 26 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon14.gif}}| Samstag | | Time of Old Woman | Wodan - Shadryn - Vars (lay mass) | | 27 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon15.gif}}| Sonntag | | Time of Old Woman | | | 28 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon16.gif}}| Montag | | Time of Old Woman | Eir - Lesser Sapelah (lay mass) | | 29 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon17.gif}}| Ziestag | | Time of Old Woman | | | 30 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon18.gif}}| Mittwoch | Shooting star.Aurora. | Time of Old Woman | Bragi - Night of Silent Renewal (lay mass) Loki - Dezenaka (high mass) | ====Rethe (March)==== ^ Date ^ Moon ^ Day ^ Astronomical Event ^ General Holy Days ^ Specific Holy Days ^ | 1 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon19.gif}}| Donnerstag | | Time of Old Woman | | | 2 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon20.gif}}| Freitag | | Holy Wells Day Time of Old Woman | | | 3 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon21.gif}}| Samstag | | Aegir's Day Time of Old Woman | | | 4 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon22.gif}}| Sonntag | | Time of Old Woman | Eir - Lesser Sapelah (lay mass) | | 5 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon23.gif}}| Montag | | | Hretha - Soratir (lay mass) | | 6 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon24.gif}}| Ziestag | Comet discovered. | | Mimir - Velere (lay mass) Saint's Day: Dwyn | | 7 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon25.gif}}| Mittwoch | Comet disappears.Comet discovered. | | Freo - Shesneala Day (lay mass) | | 8 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon26.gif}}| Donnerstag | Morning star. | | Ziu - Low Ceremony of the Balefire (lay mass) Saint's Day: Balor of the Cave | | 9 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon27.gif}}| Freitag | | Mutterstag (Mothers Day) Heroes day | | | 10 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon28.gif}}| Samstag | Evening star. | | Thunor - Ilbengaad Festival | | 11 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon29.gif}}| Sonntag | | | Thunor - Ilbengaad Festival | | 12 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon1.gif}}| Montag | | | Eir - Lesser Sapelah (lay mass) Thunor - Ilbengaad Festival | | 13 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon2.gif}}| Ziestag | | | Wodan - Degrees of Nyardath (high mass) | | 14 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon3.gif}}| Mittwoch | | | Eir - Greater Sapelah (purification ritual) | | 15 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon4.gif}}| Donnerstag | | Freya/River sprites and nymphs | Eir - Greater Sapelah Hretha - Soratir (lay mass) Bragi - Night of High Perspective (lay mass) | | 16 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon5.gif}}| Freitag | | | Eir - Greater Sapelah | | 17 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon6.gif}}| Samstag | | | Eir - Greater Sapelah | | 18 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon7.gif}}| Sonntag | | | | | 19 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon8.gif}}| Montag | Morning star. | | Thunor - Bjarri's Feast | | 20 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon9.gif}}| Ziestag | | The Norns/Idunna | Eir - Lesser Sapelah (lay mass)Thunor - Bjarri's Feast | | 21 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon10.gif}}| Mittwoch | First day of Spring. | Spring Finding Ostara | Thunor - Bjarri's Feast | | 22 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon11.gif}}| Donnerstag | | | Thunor - Bjarri's FeastSaint's Day: Shale | | 23 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon12.gif}}| Freitag | | A Day of Love/Summer Finding | Thunor - Bjarri's FeastSaint's Day: Conwan | | 24 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon13.gif}}| Samstag | Shooting star. | Heimdall | Thunor - Bjarri's Feast | | 25 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon14.gif}}| Sonntag | | Festival of Lady Day | Hretha - Soratir (lay mass)Thunor - Bjarri's Feast | | 26 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon15.gif}}| Montag | | | Wodan - Shadryn - Vars (lay mass) | | 27 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon16.gif}}| Ziestag | | Women's Swinging Day | | | 28 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon17.gif}}| Mittwoch | | | Eir - Lesser Sapelah (lay mass) | | 29 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon18.gif}}| Donnerstag | | | | | 30 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon19.gif}}| Freitag | | | Bragi - Night of Silent Renewal (lay mass)Loki - Dezenaka (high mass) | ====Astron (April)==== ^ Date ^ Moon ^ Day ^ Astronomical Event ^ General Holy Days ^ Specific Holy Days ^ | 1 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon20.gif}}| Samstag | | April Fool's Day | Saint's Day: Maermal the Lord of Labour | | 2 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon21.gif}}| Sonntag | | | | | 3 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon22.gif}}| Montag | | | Saint's Day: Harbraen, Elana the Wise, Angyla | | 4 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon23.gif}}| Ziestag | | | Eir - Lesser Sapelah (lay mass) | | 5 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon24.gif}}| Mittwoch | | A day of Fortune | Hretha - Soratir (lay mass) | | 6 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon25.gif}}| Donnerstag | | | Mimir - Velere (lay mass) | | 7 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon26.gif}}| Freitag | | Feast of the Kindly Ones | Freo - Shesneala Day (lay mass) | | 8 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon27.gif}}| Samstag | | | Ziu - Low Ceremony of the Balefire (lay mass) | | 9 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon28.gif}}| Sonntag | | Heroes day | | | 10 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon29.gif}}| Montag | Shooting star. | | | | 11 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon1.gif}}| Ziestag | Shooting star. | | Saint's Day: Owin, Angyla | | 12 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon2.gif}}| Mittwoch | | | Eir - Lesser Sapelah (lay mass) | | 13 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon3.gif}}| Donnerstag | | | Wodan - Degrees of Nyardath (high mass) | | 14 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon4.gif}}| Freitag | | Sommarsblot | Eir - Greater Sapelah (purification ritual) | | 15 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon5.gif}}| Samstag | Meteor storm. | | Eir - Greater Sapelah Hretha - Soratir (lay mass) Bragi - Night of High Perspective (lay mass) | | 16 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon6.gif}}| Sonntag | Comet disappears. | | Eir - Greater Sapelah | | 17 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon7.gif}}| Montag | | | Eir - Greater Sapelah | | 18 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon8.gif}}| Ziestag | | | | | 19 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon9.gif}}| Mittwoch | Morning star. | | Saint's Day:Angyla, Aleath | | 20 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon10.gif}}| Donnerstag | | | Eir - Lesser Sapelah (lay mass) | | 21 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon11.gif}}| Freitag | Shooting star. | Earth Day | | | 22 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon12.gif}}| Samstag | | | | | 23 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon13.gif}}| Sonntag | | Festival of the homeland | | | 24 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon14.gif}}| Montag | | | | | 25 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon15.gif}}| Ziestag | | | Hretha - Soratir (lay mass) | | 26 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon16.gif}}| Mittwoch | Morning star. | | Wodan - Shadryn Vars (lay mass) Saint's Day: Ferin | | 27 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon17.gif}}| Donnerstag | | | Saint's Day: Angyla, Miram the Wanderer, Lorden of Tashal | | 28 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon18.gif}}| Freitag | | | Eir - Lesser Sapelah (lay mass) | | 29 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon19.gif}}| Samstag | | | Saint's Day: Dael the Son | | 30 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon20.gif}}| Sonntag | | Walpurgisnacht | Bragi - Night of Silent Renewal (lay mass) Loki - Dezenaka (high mass) Saint's Day: Karen, Chesla | ====Thrimidge (May)==== ^ Date ^ Moon ^ Day ^ Astronomical Event ^ General Holy Days ^ Specific Holy Days ^ | 1 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon21.gif}}| Montag | Shooting star. | May Day | | | 2 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon22.gif}}| Ziestag | | | | | 3 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon23.gif}}| Mittwoch | | | Saint's Day: Arslesa | | 4 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon24.gif}}| Donnerstag | | | Eir - Lesser Sapelah (lay mass) | | 5 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon25.gif}}| Freitag | | | Hretha - Soratir (lay mass) | | 6 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon26.gif}}| Samstag | | Merry-Moon | Mimir - Velere (lay mass) Saint's Day: Frin | | 7 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon27.gif}}| Sonntag | | Merry-Moon | Freo - Shesneala Day (lay mass) | | 8 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon28.gif}}| Montag | | | Ziu - Low Ceremony of the Balefire (lay mass) Saint's Day: Din the Lawgiver | | 9 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon29.gif}}| Ziestag | | Heroes day | | | 10 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon1.gif}}| Mittwoch | Meteor storm. | | | | 11 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon2.gif}}| Donnerstag | | | | | 12 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon3.gif}}| Freitag | | | Eir - Lesser Sapelah (lay mass) | | 13 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon4.gif}}| Samstag | Shooting star. | | Wodan - Degrees of Nyardath (high mass) | | 14 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon5.gif}}| Sonntag | | | Eir - Greater Sapelah (purification ritual) | | 15 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon6.gif}}| Montag | | | Eir - Greater Sapelah Hretha-Soratir(lay mass) Bragi-Night of High Perspective (lay mass) | | 16 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon7.gif}}| Ziestag | | | Eir - Greater Sapelah | | 17 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon8.gif}}| Mittwoch | | | Eir - Greater Sapelah | | 18 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon9.gif}}| Donnerstag | | Mjollnir Day | | | 19 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon10.gif}}| Freitag | Meteor storm. | | | | 20 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon11.gif}}| Samstag | Shooting star. | The Wild Hunt | Eir - Lesser Sapelah (lay mass) | | 21 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon12.gif}}| Sonntag | | The Wild Hunt | | | 22 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon13.gif}}| Montag | | The Wild Hunt | | | 23 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon14.gif}}| Ziestag | | The Wild Hunt | | | 24 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon15.gif}}| Mittwoch | | The Wild Hunt | | | 25 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon16.gif}}| Donnerstag | | Trinity Day The Wild Hunt | Hretha - Soratir (lay mass) | | 26 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon17.gif}}| Freitag | | The Wild Hunt | Wodan - Shadryn Vars (lay mass) | | 27 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon18.gif}}| Samstag | | Healing ceremony The Wild Hunt | Saint's Day: Aldin the Golden | | 28 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon19.gif}}| Sonntag | | The Wild Hunt | Eir - Lesser Sapelah (lay mass) | | 29 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon20.gif}}| Montag | | The Wild Hunt | | | 30 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon21.gif}}| Ziestag | | Frigg's Day The Wild Hunt | Bragi - Night of Silent Renewal (lay mass) Loki - Dezenaka (high mass) | ====Lithe (June)==== ^ Date ^ Moon ^ Day ^ Astronomical Event ^ General Holy Days ^ Specific Holy Days ^ | 1 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon22.gif}}| Mittwoch | Shooting star. | Syn's Day The Wild Hunt | | | 2 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon23.gif}}| Donnerstag | | The Wild Hunt | | | 3 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon24.gif}}| Freitag | | The Wild Hunt | Saint's Day: Harbraen, Angyla | | 4 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon25.gif}}| Samstag | | The Wild Hunt | Eir - Lesser Sapelah (lay mass) | | 5 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon26.gif}}| Sonntag | | The Wild Hunt | Hretha - Soratir (lay mass) | | 6 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon27.gif}}| Montag | | The Wild Hunt | Mimir - Velere (lay mass) Saint's Day: Rasumond | | 7 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon28.gif}}| Ziestag | Shooting star. | The Wild Hunt | Freo - Shesneala Day (lay mass) | | 8 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon29.gif}}| Mittwoch | | The Wild Hunt | Ziu - Low Ceremony of the Balefire (lay mass) Saint's Day: Safransi of the Sheaf, Ara the Founder | | 9 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon1.gif}}| Donnerstag | | Heroes day The Wild Hunt | | | 10 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon2.gif}}| Freitag | | The Wild Hunt | Saint's Day: Hanuk | | 11 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon3.gif}}| Samstag | Evening star. | The Wild Hunt | Saint's Day: Anglya, Sabalyne the Builder, Sara of Horadir | | 12 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon4.gif}}| Sonntag | | The Wild Hunt | Eir - Lesser Sapelah (lay mass) | | 13 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon5.gif}}| Montag | | The Wild Hunt | Wodan - Degrees of Nyardath (high mass) Saint's Day: Rogin | | 14 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon6.gif}}| Ziestag | | Vidar's Day The Wild Hunt | Eir - Greater Sapelah (purification ritual) | | 15 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon7.gif}}| Mittwoch | Shooting star.Fireball. | The Wild Hunt | Eir - Greater Sapelah Hretha - Soratir (lay mass) Bragi - Night of High Perspective (lay mass) | | 16 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon8.gif}}| Donnerstag | Evening star. | The Wild Hunt | Eir - Greater Sapelah | | 17 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon9.gif}}| Freitag | | The Wild Hunt | Eir - Greater Sapelah | | 18 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon10.gif}}| Samstag | | The Wild Hunt | | | 19 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon11.gif}}| Sonntag | | Day of Wise Women The Wild Hunt | Saint's Day: Angyla, Vusa of the Garden, Daryn of the Guild | | 20 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon12.gif}}| Montag | | The Wild Hunt | Eir - Lesser Sapelah (lay mass) | | 21 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon13.gif}}| Ziestag | First day of Summer. Shooting star. | Hochsommerstag Midsummer | | | 22 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon14.gif}}| Mittwoch | | | | | 23 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon15.gif}}| Donnerstag | | | | | 24 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon16.gif}}| Freitag | Morning star. | | | | 25 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon17.gif}}| Samstag | | | Hretha - Soratir (lay mass) Saint's Day:Rabin | | 26 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon18.gif}}| Sonntag | Shooting star. | | Wodan - Shadryn Vars (lay mass) | | 27 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon19.gif}}| Montag | | | | | 28 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon20.gif}}| Ziestag | | | Eir - Lesser Sapelah (lay mass) | | 29 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon21.gif}}| Mittwoch | | | Saint's Day: Hos | | 30 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon22.gif}}| Donnerstag | | | Bragi - Night of Silent Renewal (lay mass) Loki - Dezenaka (high mass) Saint's Day: Elsbit the Mother | ====Mede (July)==== ^ Date ^ Moon ^ Day ^ Astronomical Event ^ General Holy Days ^ Specific Holy Days ^ | 1 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon23.gif}}| Freitag | Shooting star. | | Saint's Day: Yselde the Trothmaker, Mirytha | | 2 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon24.gif}}| Samstag | | | | | 3 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon25.gif}}| Sonntag | Shooting star. | Loki's Brand | | | 4 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon26.gif}}| Montag | | | Eir - Lesser Sapelah (lay mass) Saint's Day: Harvest Home Festival | | 5 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon27.gif}}| Ziestag | | | Hretha - Soratir (lay mass) | | 6 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon28.gif}}| Mittwoch | | | Mimir - Velere (lay mass) | | 7 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon29.gif}}| Donnerstag | | | Freo - Shesneala Day (lay mass) | | 8 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon1.gif}}| Freitag | Shooting star. | | Ziu - Low Ceremony of the Balefire (lay mass) | | 9 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon2.gif}}| Samstag | | Heroes day | | | 10 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon3.gif}}| Sonntag | Fireball. | Hela/Skadi | | | 11 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon4.gif}}| Montag | | | | | 12 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon5.gif}}| Ziestag | | | Eir - Lesser Sapelah (lay mass) | | 13 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon6.gif}}| Mittwoch | Morning star. | | Wodan - Degrees of Nyardath (high mass) | | 14 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon7.gif}}| Donnerstag | | | Eir - Greater Sapelah (purification ritual) | | 15 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon8.gif}}| Freitag | Aurora. | | Eir - Greater Sapelah Hretha - Soratir (lay mass) Bragi - Night of High Perspective (lay mass) | | 16 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon9.gif}}| Samstag | Meteor storm.Morning star. | | Eir - Greater Sapelah | | 17 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon10.gif}}| Sonntag | | | Eir - Greater Sapelah | | 18 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon11.gif}}| Montag | | | | | 19 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon12.gif}}| Ziestag | | | | | 20 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon13.gif}}| Mittwoch | Shooting star. | | Eir - Lesser Sapelah (lay mass) | | 21 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon14.gif}}| Donnerstag | | | | | 22 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon15.gif}}| Freitag | | | | | 23 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon16.gif}}| Samstag | | | | | 24 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon17.gif}}| Sonntag | | | | | 25 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon18.gif}}| Montag | | | Hretha - Soratir (lay mass) | | 26 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon19.gif}}| Ziestag | | Sleipnir | Wodan - Shadryn Vars (lay mass) Saint's Day: Aldo | | 27 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon20.gif}}| Mittwoch | | | | | 28 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon21.gif}}| Donnerstag | | | Eir - Lesser Sapelah (lay mass) | | 29 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon22.gif}}| Freitag | | Thor | Saint's Day: Ranal the Good | | 30 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon23.gif}}| Samstag | | Brotmesse Eve/Loki and Sigyn/Things Tid | Bragi - Night of Silent Renewal (lay mass) Loki - Dezenaka (high mass) | ====Wedmath (August)==== ^ Date ^ Moon ^ Day ^ Astronomical Event ^ General Holy Days ^ Specific Holy Days ^ | 1 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon24.gif}}| Sonntag | | Brotmesse | Freo - Banquet of Delight Festival | | 2 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon25.gif}}| Montag | | | Freo - Banquet of Delights Festival | | 3 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon26.gif}}| Ziestag | | | Freo - Banquet of Delights Festival Saint's Day: Arselesa | | 4 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon27.gif}}| Mittwoch | | | Eir - Lesser Sapelah (lay mass) Freo - Banquet of Delights Festival | | 5 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon28.gif}}| Donnerstag | | | Hretha - Soratir (lay mass) Freo - Banquet of Delights Festival Saint's Day: Orgin | | 6 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon29.gif}}| Freitag | | | Mimir - Velere (lay mass) Freo - Banquet of Delights Festival | | 7 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon1.gif}}| Samstag | Fireball. | Harvest | Freo - Shesneala Day (lay mass) Freo - Banquet of Delights Festival | | 8 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon2.gif}}| Sonntag | | Harvest | Ziu - Low Ceremony of the Balefire (lay mass) | | 9 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon3.gif}}| Montag | | Heroes day | | | 10 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon4.gif}}| Ziestag | | | | | 11 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon5.gif}}| Mittwoch | | | | | 12 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon6.gif}}| Donnerstag | | | Eir - Lesser Sapelah (lay mass) | | 13 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon7.gif}}| Freitag | | | Wodan - Degrees of Nyardath (high mass) | | 14 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon8.gif}}| Samstag | | | Eir - Greater Sapelah (purification ritual) | | 15 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon9.gif}}| Sonntag | | | Eir - Greater Sapelah Hretha - Soratir (lay mass) Bragi - Night of High Perspective (lay mass) | | 16 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon10.gif}}| Montag | | | Eir - Greater Sapelah | | 17 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon11.gif}}| Ziestag | | Odins Ordeal | Eir - Greater Sapelah | | 18 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon12.gif}}| Mittwoch | | | | | 19 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon13.gif}}| Donnerstag | | | | | 20 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon14.gif}}| Freitag | | | Eir - Lesser Sapelah (lay mass) | | 21 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon15.gif}}| Samstag | | | | | 22 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon16.gif}}| Sonntag | | | | | 23 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon17.gif}}| Montag | | | | | 24 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon18.gif}}| Ziestag | | | | | 25 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon19.gif}}| Mittwoch | | Festival of Discovery, the discovery of the runes | Hretha - Soratir (lay mass) | | 26 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon20.gif}}| Donnerstag | | | Wodan - Shadryn Vars (lay mass) | | 27 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon21.gif}}| Freitag | | | | | 28 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon22.gif}}| Samstag | | | Eir - Lesser Sapelah (lay mass) | | 29 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon23.gif}}| Sonntag | Evening star. | Urda | | | 30 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon24.gif}}| Montag | | | Bragi - Night of Silent Renewal (lay mass) Loki - Dezenaka (high mass) | ====Halimath (September)==== ^ Date ^ Moon ^ Day ^ Astronomical Event ^ General Holy Days ^ Specific Holy Days ^ | 1 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon25.gif}}| Ziestag | | | | | 2 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon26.gif}}| Mittwoch | | | Saint's Day: Kuvan | | 3 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon27.gif}}| Donnerstag | | | | | 4 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon28.gif}}| Freitag | Morning star. | | Eir - Lesser Sapelah (lay mass) | | 5 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon29.gif}}| Samstag | Shooting star.Evening star. | | Hretha - Soratir (lay mass) | | 6 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon1.gif}}| Sonntag | | | Mimir - Velere (lay mass) | | 7 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon2.gif}}| Montag | | | Freo - Shesneala Day (lay mass) | | 8 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon3.gif}}| Ziestag | Comet discovered. | | Ziu - Low Ceremony of the Balefire (lay mass) Saint's Day: Brigid | | 9 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon4.gif}}| Mittwoch | Shooting star. | Heroes day | | | 10 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon5.gif}}| Donnerstag | | | | | 11 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon6.gif}}| Freitag | Evening star. | | | | 12 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon7.gif}}| Samstag | | | Eir - Lesser Sapelah (lay mass) | | 13 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon8.gif}}| Sonntag | Shooting star. | | Wodan - Degrees of Nyardath (high mass) | | 14 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon9.gif}}| Montag | Morning star. | | Eir - Greater Sapelah (purification ritual) | | 15 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon10.gif}}| Ziestag | Meteor storm. | | Eir - Greater Sapelah Hretha - Soratir (lay mass) Bragi - Night of High Perspective (lay mass) | | 16 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon11.gif}}| Mittwoch | | | Eir - Greater Sapelah | | 17 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon12.gif}}| Donnerstag | Morning star. | | Eir - Greater Sapelah | | 18 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon13.gif}}| Freitag | | | | | 19 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon14.gif}}| Samstag | | | | | 20 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon15.gif}}| Sonntag | | | Eir - Lesser Sapelah (lay mass) | | 21 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon16.gif}}| Montag | First day of Autumn. Shooting star. | Raud the strong Winter Finding | | | 22 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon17.gif}}| Ziestag | | | | | 23 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon18.gif}}| Mittwoch | | | | | 24 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon19.gif}}| Donnerstag | | | | | 25 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon20.gif}}| Freitag | | | Hretha - Soratir (lay mass) Saint's Day: Shime | | 26 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon21.gif}}| Samstag | | | Wodan - Shadryn Vars (lay mass) | | 27 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon22.gif}}| Sonntag | | | | | 28 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon23.gif}}| Montag | | | Eir - Lesser Sapelah (lay mass) | | 29 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon24.gif}}| Ziestag | | Heimdall | | | 30 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon25.gif}}| Mittwoch | Shooting star. | | Bragi - Night of Silent Renewal (lay mass) Loki - Dezenaka (high mass) Saint's Day: Manut | ====Wintring (October)==== ^ Date ^ Moon ^ Day ^ Astronomical Event ^ General Holy Days ^ Specific Holy Days ^ | 1 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon26.gif}}| Donnerstag | | | | | 2 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon27.gif}}| Freitag | | | Saint's Day: Belsiransin the Weeper | | 3 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon28.gif}}| Samstag | | A day for Freya | | | 4 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon29.gif}}| Sonntag | | World Day for animals | Eir - Lesser Sapelah (lay mass) | | 5 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon1.gif}}| Montag | | | Hretha - Soratir (lay mass) Saint's Day: Delin | | 6 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon2.gif}}| Ziestag | | | Mimir - Velere (lay mass) | | 7 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon3.gif}}| Mittwoch | | A day for Freya | Freo - Shesneala Day (lay mass) | | 8 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon4.gif}}| Donnerstag | | | Ziu - Low Ceremony of the Balefire (lay mass) | | 9 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon5.gif}}| Freitag | | Heroes day | | | 10 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon6.gif}}| Samstag | | | | | 11 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon7.gif}}| Sonntag | | | | | 12 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon8.gif}}| Montag | | | Eir - Lesser Sapelah (lay mass) | | 13 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon9.gif}}| Ziestag | | | Wodan - Degrees of Nyardath (high mass) | | 14 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon10.gif}}| Mittwoch | Meteor storm.Morning star. | Winternacht/Blessing of the Elves | Eir - Greater Sapelah (purification ritual) | | 15 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon11.gif}}| Donnerstag | Shooting star. | | Eir - Greater Sapelah Hretha - Soratir (lay mass) Bragi - Night of High Perspective (lay mass) | | 16 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon12.gif}}| Freitag | | Festival of the Goddesses of Fortune | Eir - Greater Sapelah Thunor - The Araksin Festival | | 17 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon13.gif}}| Samstag | Meteor storm. | | Eir - Greater Sapelah Thunor - The Araksin Festival | | 18 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon14.gif}}| Sonntag | | | Thunor - The Araksin Festival | | 19 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon15.gif}}| Montag | | | Thunor - The Araksin Festival | | 20 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon16.gif}}| Ziestag | | | Eir - Lesser Sapelah (lay mass) Thunor - The Araksin Festival | | 21 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon17.gif}}| Mittwoch | | | Thunor - The Araksin Festival | | 22 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon18.gif}}| Donnerstag | Shooting star.Morning star. | | Thunor - The Araksin Festival | | 23 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon19.gif}}| Freitag | | | Thunor - The Araksin Festival | | 24 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon20.gif}}| Samstag | | Winter weekend | Thunor - The Araksin Festival | | 25 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon21.gif}}| Sonntag | Evening star. | Winter weekend | Hretha - Soratir (lay mass) Thunor - The Araksin Festival Saint's Day: Tera the Crone | | 26 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon22.gif}}| Montag | | | Wodan - Shadryn Vars (lay mass) Thunor - The Araksin Festival | | 27 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon23.gif}}| Ziestag | Shooting star.Evening star. | | Thunor - The Araksin Festival | | 28 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon24.gif}}| Mittwoch | | | Eir - Lesser Sapelah (lay mass) Thunor - The Araksin Festival | | 29 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon25.gif}}| Donnerstag | | | Thunor - The Araksin Festival | | 30 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon26.gif}}| Freitag | Evening star. | Geisternacht(Night of Specters) | Bragi - Night of Silent Renewal (lay mass) Loki - Dezenaka (high mass) Thunor - The Araksin Festival Saint's Day: Taran | ====Blotmath (November)==== ^ Date ^ Moon ^ Day ^ Astronomical Event ^ General Holy Days ^ Specific Holy Days ^ | 1 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon27.gif}}| Samstag | Morning star. | The Rite of Hella Fogmoon | | | 2 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon28.gif}}| Sonntag | | Fogmoon | | | 3 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon29.gif}}| Montag | | | | | 4 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon1.gif}}| Ziestag | | | Eir - Lesser Sapelah (lay mass) | | 5 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon2.gif}}| Mittwoch | | | Hretha - Soratir (lay mass) Saint's Day: Bane | | 6 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon3.gif}}| Donnerstag | | | Mimir - Velere (lay mass) | | 7 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon4.gif}}| Freitag | | | Freo - Shesneala Day (lay mass) | | 8 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon5.gif}}| Samstag | | Day of access to underworld | Ziu - Low Ceremony of the Balefire (lay mass) | | 9 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon6.gif}}| Sonntag | Shooting star. | Heroes day | | | 10 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon7.gif}}| Montag | | | | | 11 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon8.gif}}| Ziestag | | Festival of Einherjar | | | 12 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon9.gif}}| Mittwoch | | | Eir - Lesser Sapelah (lay mass) | | 13 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon10.gif}}| Donnerstag | Comet disappears. | | Wodan - Degrees of Nyardath (high mass) | | 14 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon11.gif}}| Freitag | Shooting star. | | Eir - Greater Sapelah (purification ritual) | | 15 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon12.gif}}| Samstag | Morning star. | | Eir - Greater Sapelah Hretha - Soratir (lay mass) Bragi - Night of High Perspective (lay mass) | | 16 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon13.gif}}| Sonntag | | | Eir - Greater Sapelah | | 17 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon14.gif}}| Montag | | | Eir - Greater Sapelah | | 18 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon15.gif}}| Ziestag | | | Saint's Day: Eshaela | | 19 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon16.gif}}| Mittwoch | | | | | 20 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon17.gif}}| Donnerstag | | | Eir - Lesser Sapelah (lay mass) | | 21 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon18.gif}}| Freitag | Fireball.Aurora. | | | | 22 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon19.gif}}| Samstag | Evening star. | The Day of Ullr | | | 23 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon20.gif}}| Sonntag | | | | | 24 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon21.gif}}| Montag | | | | | 25 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon22.gif}}| Ziestag | | Womens Merrymaking Day | Hretha - Soratir (lay mass) Saint's Day: Nele | | 26 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon23.gif}}| Mittwoch | | | Wodan - Shadryn Vars (lay mass) | | 27 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon24.gif}}| Donnerstag | | Day for the Mother of the Universe | | | 28 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon25.gif}}| Freitag | Morning star. | | Eir - Lesser Sapelah (lay mass) | | 29 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon26.gif}}| Samstag | | | | | 30 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon27.gif}}| Sonntag | | Day of Skadi | Bragi - Night of Silent Renewal (lay mass) Loki - Dezenaka (high mass) Saint's Day: Elana | ====Foreyule (December)==== ^ Date ^ Moon ^ Day ^ Astronomical Event ^ General Holy Days ^ Specific Holy Days ^ | 1 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon28.gif}}| Montag | | | Loki - Shadowmath Wodan - The Feast of Bukrai (Sacrament of Kobukrai) | | 2 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon29.gif}}| Ziestag | | | Wodan - The Feast of Bukrai | | 3 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon1.gif}}| Mittwoch | | | Wodan - The Feast of Bukrai | | 4 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon2.gif}}| Donnerstag | | | Wodan - The Feast of Bukrai Eir - Lesser Sapelah (lay mass) | | 5 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon3.gif}}| Freitag | | | Hretha - Soratir (lay mass) Wodan - The Feast of Bukrai | | 6 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon4.gif}}| Samstag | Comet discovered. | Odin's Day / Mutterstag(Mother's Day) | Wodan - The Feast of Bukrai Mimir - Velere (lay mass) | | 7 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon5.gif}}| Sonntag | | | Freo - Shesneala Day (lay mass) Wodan - The Feast of Bukrai Saint's Day: Esa | | 8 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon6.gif}}| Montag | | | Ziu - Low Ceremony of the Balefire (lay mass) Wodan - The Feast of Bukrai | | 9 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon7.gif}}| Ziestag | | Heroes day | Wodan - The Feast of Bukrai | | 10 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon8.gif}}| Mittwoch | | Hella and Ran's Day | Wodan - The Feast of Bukrai | | 11 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon9.gif}}| Donnerstag | | Day of the Winter Goddesses | Wodan - The Feast of Bukrai | | 12 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon10.gif}}| Freitag | | | Wodan - The Feast of Bukrai Eir - Lesser Sapelah (lay mass) | | 13 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon11.gif}}| Samstag | Shooting star. | Little Yule | Wodan - The Feast of Bukrai (Liturgy of Vabukrai) | | 14 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon12.gif}}| Sonntag | | Peaceful Days | Eir - Greater Sapelah (purification ritual) | | 15 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon13.gif}}| Montag | Meteor storm. | Peaceful Days | Eir - Greater Sapelah Hretha - Soratir (lay mass) Bragi - Night of High Perspective (lay mass) | | 16 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon14.gif}}| Ziestag | | Peaceful Days | Eir - Greater Sapelah | | 17 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon15.gif}}| Mittwoch | Shooting star.Evening star.Comet disappears. | Peaceful Days | Eir - Greater Sapelah | | 18 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon16.gif}}| Donnerstag | Shooting star. | Peaceful Days | | | 19 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon17.gif}}| Freitag | | Peaceful Days | | | 20 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon18.gif}}| Samstag | | Muttersnacht(Mother Night) Peaceful Days | Eir - Lesser Sapelah (lay mass) | | 21 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon19.gif}}| Sonntag | First day of Winter. | Yule Peaceful Days | | | 22 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon20.gif}}| Montag | | Peaceful Days | | | 23 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon21.gif}}| Ziestag | | Peaceful Days | | | 24 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon22.gif}}| Mittwoch | | Peaceful Days | Saint's Day: Nare | | 25 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon23.gif}}| Donnerstag | | Peaceful Days | Hretha - Soratir (lay mass) | | 26 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon24.gif}}| Freitag | | Peaceful Days | Wodan - Shadryn Vars (lay mass) | | 27 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon25.gif}}| Samstag | | Peaceful Days | | | 28 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon26.gif}}| Sonntag | | Peaceful Days | Eir - Lesser Sapelah (lay mass) | | 29 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon27.gif}}| Montag | | | | | 30 | {{http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/images/moon28.gif}}| Ziestag | | | Bragi - Night of Silent Renewal (lay mass) Loki - Dezenaka (high mass) Saint's Day: Melise |